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Everything posted by Anden

  1. Tried to get wife to go to green county skydive over the weekend for her birthday. I may send a pm later this week if I can get her talked into it. My birhday is the 20th so we may both do it. Her one condition is that I go with her.
  2. I would join but I have my kid today. May stop by Honda just to meet and greet.
  3. Well let's see some results posted.
  4. We spent a good 3hrs looking at the old planes. Makes me believe I could build one in the shed. Place is very cool will have to do the Inaction next time I go.
  5. Anonymous want viral status so he can make money off you tube. I want to be the first to call bullshit.
  6. Airport flyover work? I can get that from the parking lot at work.
  7. Chainclocks.com. sells them for less and they are much cooler.
  8. Anden

    screw my boss

    Chantix will fuck your decision making skills up something fierce. That is if you have to make important decisions. It will also turn you into an amazing asshole. But I did quit smoking for about 3 months. Only took chantix for maybe 6 weeks. It probably took the other six weeks to get out of my system. The other side effects are that anything you enjoy doing pretty much becomes meh. And you will lose your danger barometer. For example that turn on your bike that has always made you nervouse going around. Yeah you will take it at 20-30 over the speed limit without a care in the world. You will also find yourself in bad situations you wouldn't normally find yourself in in traffic. Those are my experiences with chantix I recomend this drug to no one.
  9. So no massive bukkake attack. That would have seriously struck fear in the hearts of Americans everywhere.
  10. If you guys are willing to suck dick for 20k. I will take a nickels worth.
  11. Electrical + analog + plays guitar = roadie for promising local band. See the world travel. Chase the dream. I myself have thought fuck it. Let's get back to the roots. Everybody goes through this and am glad your feeling better Hell I feel better knowing that others have the same things going on.
  12. I will be at work tonight, pm for address. Then I will point you to a couple other members.
  13. Anden

    screw my boss

    Earache's name has been tarnished forever. Yeah I know what I did there.
  14. Anden

    screw my boss

    This thread has made my work day so much better.
  15. Bad idea. First left will screw you pretty good if the stand is down.
  16. Perhaps they just observe us. I'm sure we make one Hell of an ant farm.
  17. Triumph too please.with union jack in background.
  18. Austin TX I would pack up and go if I didn't have children.
  19. Anden

    Hit n run

    Yes this happened the wife knows the driver somehow. All caught on camera with a witness. Asshat that did this was arrested today.
  20. Anden

    Troy area 4/6

    I plan on getting out for a bit if anyone wants to join. No destination just out and about. I will probably get out and about around 3:00 May try to chase down some of the motorcycle picture game stuff. If a bunch of yall want to join in come up with a time and place to meet, I am open to just about anything.
  21. Fellow from this tale stopped me on my way out of work this morning. Not seven months after his off, and not eight months after getting licensed. Traded for a goldwing. I hope for the best but when you can't negotiate a turn on your small bike how the Hell will he do it on this.
  22. A few things I didn't see yet was. Leave it in gear at a stop. You don't want to grab the clutch and fumble for 1st. When sitting and the guy behind you isn't stopping. If going on a group ride find out what is expected. And let it be known what you expect. Even if its only one other guy. I learned this lesson the hard way. Practice your panic stops at the beginning of every season. New found confidence may bite you in the ass. (Read this statement at the end of the season).
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