Gear B.C. Rich Mockingbird Jackson Kelly (old and beaten) Korg tuner Digitech S100 Peavy tube preamp Digitech foot Rpxxx Cry Baby Bugera 6260 I would like to get a hold of a 2-12 closed back cabinet, Ibanez Iceman, Ibanez Destroyer, and an Ltd. Don't know the number for the Ltd But its neck through passive pickups with coil tap. Currently jamming on Clutch alot. To the point its kinda a problem. I'm super rusty so and forgot everything I ever knew. My speed and accuracy suffer alot. But I'm getting there. My heros would be James Hetfield, Paul Gilbert, Adam West, Marty Friedman, Eric Peterson since Alex whent all jazz hands. But can take a little something from annything I listen to.