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Everything posted by Anden

  1. Talk to young but then.... Well you can imagine. Hell kicking around selling mine.
  2. Looks great! Shame about the finger.
  3. So to prove this equation I put the wife out on the corner. She came back with $100.25. I asked "Who gave you the quarter?" She said "All of them."
  4. http://www.vra-ohio.com/ The web page. Sorry couldn't remember name and was busy here at work. Figured you could Google-fu it.
  5. That gun shop in vandalia pushes these give them a call. Maybe they can help.
  6. In a word Dexter. Dexter is ranked just below The Walking Dead. I'm sure AMC wants that share.
  7. Anden

    Zombie Attack

    The worm is the spice. The spice is the worm. Moahdeeb.
  8. Anden

    Zombie Attack

    http://www.wmicentral.com/news/latest_news/zombie-released-after-two-days-in-county-jail/article_1dab8080-0f12-11e1-a51c-001cc4c03286.html I am guessing they are innocent until proven guilty too.
  9. Anden

    WTB: Xbox

    I would sell 360 and all the games if kids wouldn't murder me in my sleep.
  10. - The place you must reach for safety is the location where the last TV show you watched was set (In your own country). Miami Florida (Dexter) - Your team are the last 3 last people who called you on your cellphone. Wife, And two guys from work. - Your vehicle is the last vehicle that you honked at in traffic. Combine with bean head (fuck'n farmers). - Your only weapon is the last weapon you used in a video game. Fatman (Fallout 3, I must thank the kids for this.) - The frist zombie you have to kill is the last person who texted you. The wife. What are your chances? Good. Combine is the only real problem I see. Getting fuel in it and what not. Other than that its three dudes in a combine. AWSOME!!!! Well not really but whatever.
  11. If this guy knows where you live,sleep with a gun. 'Cause if I was feeling ripped off.I would have no trouble heaving a brick through your window till I felt we were even.
  12. Anden


    I hold the door for just about anyone. Mostly because I believe in karma. Now with that being said. You would be surprised by how often I struggle to get through them with my son who is in a wheelchair. While slackjawed fucks just stand there. Sorry for slight derail. Back to Men Are Superior, Women Are Dumb.
  13. Don't do it. Leave it to the pros. Just my opinion. Could you post the link where you got your info. When I used to work at a tv repair shop tossing capacitors at each other was a good time. The other was grabbing someone's arm as they walked passed. Then disconnecting the anode and putting 30Kv in their ass.
  14. Anden

    cod mw3 ?

    How's the single player part of the game? Any good? Will it take more than 4hrs to get through? It's getting cold out and I have nothing better to do late night.
  15. If it wasn't shopping season for the wife I would be all over this.
  16. Welcome, Would part with the Triple for the right money. Only cause I want the 800xc.
  17. Anden


    http://dayton.craigslist.org/mcy/2680213310.html Not mine but looking out. I have serial available if you spot it.
  18. Umbrella girls. HD folks just lost their argument. Ha-ha.
  19. They shopped the shit out of it so they wouldn't need to pay triumph, honda, or anyone else for their bike.
  20. When Texas rejoined the US, Texas reserved the right to succeed.
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