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Everything posted by Anden

  1. 14 it ain't easy always being right.
  2. As a fireman you know better and you know the risks. As any other assclown. We understand you had to bail to save yourself.
  3. Anden

    One of us?

    http://wdtn.m0bl.net/w/localnews/story/29046633/ Rip.
  4. I'm cheap too but not free cheap a fifty will get it shipped to you. I have all the brackets. Supposed to be for a triumph Sprint rs. Don't have clamp but I can steal it back.
  5. We need to do that again. Take VanDy and Gix to a dark parking lot in a less than desirable part of Dayton. Then be all like hey there are some killer cheese sticks up the road here.
  6. Every other weekend and friday evening/nights are the only times I'm free to ride. Unless I burn vacation.
  7. Anden

    father's day

    12 pack and um thats about it.
  8. Call me and see if I'm up and I'll join yall.
  9. May have one what will you give for it.
  10. Wasn't looking forward to the rider home in the rain. But the light show being put on by mother nature rocked. And the rain wasn't even cold. Still ended up soaked though but what ever.
  11. I'm free all weekend provided I'm up. Night shift blows.
  12. She probably did have her graduating class injected in to her just not through her arm. She has probably made a lot of bad decisions this is just one them. Now I must friend her. So I can get on some new chic without the wife getting pissed.
  13. I agree with this whole heartedly. But now these drugged out fucks will be driven to crime to feed their families.
  14. Anden

    Troy, Ohio

    You ever find a Yeti in those woods. My dad used to live in one of those cabins back in the early seventies. True story dad used to scare the shit out of us with it when we were kids.
  15. Anden


    Anal raptor Anal cyclone
  16. Anden


    Fucking soda every where and every one is staring at me.
  17. Anden


    I posted on page 288 here. http://www.triumphrat.net/biker-hang-out/142730-motorcycle-picture-game-288.html#post1922156
  18. True story. Come and buy some of my shit. Er shit my wife doesn't think I need.
  19. Anden

    AC problems

    Suck it up. 2-65 it. You don't need ac.
  20. I would be down for the 25th 26th. But I don't get out of bed till around 2pm ish. On a side note did I see you running down 718 over the week end. With your helmet stuck to the side of your bike.
  21. Anden

    A nice pic

    I let mine crack the throttle don't think he could have fallen off it faster. He smiled for a couple hours too.
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