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Everything posted by Anden

  1. Stillwater Technologies in Troy. Night shift 4:30pm to 5am monday thru thurs. Pm for more details.
  2. She forgot the part about washing her trailer while she kills hornets.
  3. It could be fun. Too bad you got rid of your other honda.
  4. Anden

    epic commute

    Nah Kevin almost blasted him in the mouth when he tried to get in the car with us. But he did have a hell of a long walk home. Although one other time we climbed it we about killed him dropping one of the lenses off of it. If anyone wants to give a the tower a go I'll show you where it is. You can climb on the inside if it makes you feel better.
  5. Anden

    epic commute

    I climbed one a few times not quite that tall though. Asshole friend of mine was to chicken shit to climb so he waited down below. After we made it too the top my buddy on the ground started pulling on the guy wires. We went from looking at meijers to looking at tipp city. It was twisting like 270 degrees. Talk about butt pucker, I'm pretty sure I tasted my own asshole the whole way down.
  6. The wife said you can see the moment his ass puckered.
  7. Anden


    Yes there is an E-stop. Only works out for you when things are going wrong U.P. ended up way past wrong. Biggest damn button on the control, but you can never find it when you need it. You can manually (machine over ride) do a tool change. I'm guessing with one hand stuck in the machine you can't get to the control. Not to mention you may need a spindle orientation (a few turns of the spindle) to unchuck. Thus removing whatever is stuck from your body.
  8. Anden

    Green Police?

    City government is just making sure their paychecks don't bounce.
  9. Anden


    Heal up quick looks nasty. What kind of machine was it? And I can't imagine a reason for having your fingers by the spindle/magazine for a tool change. Not criticizing, just want to learn from your mistake. That is one of the things I fear most is getting a body part stuck in a mill or under a part for that matter.
  10. Some thing to think about guys. I couldn't see Dime's brake light very well with the sun at our backs.
  11. Gravy to do. Its the lack of experience with the chainsaw in a tree that will get you killed, or mangled. Not to mention just making the wrong cuts will get you seriously fucked up. Watch some tree trimming accidents on youtube. If you can handle that kind of stuff I say go for it. Skip the scissor lift and rent a bucket truck. You don't want to be under what your cutting. But I'm sure if you asked he would give you a crash course in climbing and trimming.
  12. You let a guy that has maybe 45 seconds of air time ruin a show for you? The other three make the show. And their hate for american cars. Though Clarkson can be an ass. Maybe they replace The Stig with this guy? He already has a white suit.
  13. Be sure to tell them when you get your license. That you have a cdl. I have herd stories of them forgetting to put it on. And you have to go through it all over again.
  14. You guys want to stick it to the goverment. Try to sell one item a month on craigslist/ebay. You can write off your internet, cellphone, mileage, eBay fees, and take a vacation. You need to take a class for sales while your on it, but the class can be written off too. Sell your friends some shit thentake them to any event (sporting/concert/circus/donkey show) write it off. Building a client base advertising. Find a good taxman that can work the system. There is a sweet spot in profits ans losses where you get paid by the goverment. Now go out and be somebody.
  15. Not really news there. Its been like that for a long time. The info is just available now. What they didn't tell you is all the crap you get to write off as self employed. If you made $400 you in all reality made a killing.
  16. [ QUOTE=LoTGoD;543961]Thanks for the welcome guys! I originally wanted the Matte Black one, but Park Cycle in Canton only had this one when I went. Once I saw it, I had to have it. Of course when I went back for the first service, they had 2 matte's and a white one, all of which were about 2k cheaper... Just think of it as a free bike with a 15k watch.
  17. Looked into it once, but I'm a flat lander and its a rather large investment. It would just be another hobby with no time to enjoy. It would just sit next to the other rc cars in various states of disrepair.
  18. Inspiring, and a relief I thought this was going the other way when I saw the title.
  19. Gotta give a bump to the Triumph. But if the single sided swingarm scares you look at the Sprint RS or even a Tiger. Parts are easy to find and the knowledge base for them is excellent. The only thing I can say bad abut the Triumph is the dumb questions you get asked about them. Oh and the Harley crowd doesn't frown upon them.
  20. What did you catch one of your neighbors on your shit? HAHA! I can stop by at lunch and give it a go if you don't get it.
  21. Free 7pm game tickets 4 seats but you gotta come to Troy to get them stuck at work can't use em. Won't let me post in classifieds. 418-8059
  22. Root your phone and you can do wifi hot spot. But don't take the update if you do. Also Verizon is charging to usb tether.
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