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Everything posted by Anden

  1. After reading again there is no montgomery county police dept. It should be sheriffs dept.
  2. I think this is a racist story started by the KKK. The moral is don't pick up black babies off the side of the road. But the white ones just need a ride. Ugg thats terrible.
  3. http://www.modells.com/product/index.jsp?productId=3430385&CAWELAID=433937985 or http://www.pumamotorsport.com/ (This is great way to look like a douche) Not that you need any help.
  4. My wife went to school with him he is good. He has done the tire on the triumph he will get to climb all over the honda and go through it before the wife gets it. But I did have him get the rear brakes for me on the triumph and that was a month long wait. And that he wouldn't stock parts for it cause its the only one he has seen around. That is not a bash either just good judgement on his part. Can't have all the parts for all the bikes.
  5. Oh that sucks. I would blame it on the weather.
  6. Can't reply for fear of digging a deeper hole.
  7. Wondering if eating 6 porkchops today will let me poo a ham, a bologna, or hot dogs? I'm hoping for hotdogs not that I would eat them but for comfort.
  8. Phew they said Street not Speed Triple
  9. Please remove this post as my wife will be getting her license this year. I don't need her to see this.
  10. You get no acknowledgment at my house if you honk outside. It is rude, come to the door or call to let us know your on the way. Several people have found this out the hard way.
  11. I Agree with you 100% But 1. My wife who works for Pepsi Americas (3yrs) is being bought back by Pepsi Co. My wife used to manage a Pizza Hut (13yrs ago) which was owned by Pepsi Co. company. Pizza Huts were sold off as franchises. Being as her employment with Pepsi Co. was not terminated (she was sold off) when Pepsi Co does buy Pepsi Americas. She gets 13 years of seniority and benefits just like that. Works out for the good. But there is a lot of stupid stuff that she puts up with now. 2. My dad worked for Conrail back in the early 80s was laid off a few times, finally tired of it and ended up doing something else for about a decade. Anyway we move back he looks into going back to work for the rail road. They ask him where he is at in the list. Turns out he is the #2 or 3 guy. Long story short he gets paid from the time they refilled his position it was like 9 years of back pay.
  12. Getting out for a little today with the wife so it will be a short one
  13. Bah Hah Hah Haaa! Funniest stuff I've seen in a while.
  14. Now you need to take that $375 and buy yourself something nice for a job well done. At least I try that mentality with the wife.
  15. Anden

    Obama Dollars!

    Wait till work closes up you get 25 Obama Dollars a week.
  16. Unfortunatly Triumph seems like a bastard brand around here I get dumb looks when it comes to servicing mine. Or parts for that matter. I do believe in supporting local buisness but I find my selfeither hitting Joe's, ordering from the internet (parts) or doing it myself.
  17. There should be a where ever it lands option cause we don't have a TP folder.
  18. http://projects.daytondailynews.com/galleries/News/Crime/jail_mugs_montgomery/ Enjoy
  19. look at pepsi or coke they prbably need merchadisers. Check their web sites.
  20. Anden


    Any place that powder coats can do it fairly cheap.
  21. Anden

    The A-Team

    The one they need to do is Fall Guy. Crime fighting redneck stuntman. BOX OFFICE GOLD.
  22. Anden

    The A-Team

    Hmm think they got it wrong. Hanibal B.A. Murdoc. Face. Van. That stuff is right. Other stuff looked wrong.
  23. Why not just take one boot off and shake your d!c at it seems to work with my problems. If that doesn't work spit on it and call it a horrible name. Repeat as needed. 72deg and sunny all the time that way. Problem is that someone else needs rain or its too hot for them. doing the same thing. Mother nature doesn't know what to do. Now go get your tin foil hats. Pfft who needs science.
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