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Everything posted by MadMadame

  1. I has found you....and moved to Cleveland. ;)

  2. Glad you're ok! I lowsided back in July due to an unfortunate encounter with a minivan...it was a week and a half before a road trip and all I could think as I stopped sliding and was watching the bike slide down the hill was "aw fu**, I still gotta use that thing..." lol...Fortunately, I only lost a few small patches of skin, and between the frame sliders and my tailbag the bike was pretty much ok too. Lady got out, said it wasn't her fault (of course! why would it be), and followed me the last 1/2 mile to work to make sure I was really ok. Ah well, life goes on, and we keep gearing up for the next one.
  3. Oh yeah, she sounds real nice. I thought that was probably more appropriate....lol!
  4. You, sir, are the shit.

    Just thought you should know. LOL :D

  5. Well, since you asked so nicely....lol....me on the bike. It's a twofer! ok...fine. lol....
  6. Sorry to hear about this. RIP Kevin.
  7. lol! Play nice. I'm sure she can kick my a...er, butt. (what's the policy on language around here? LOL)
  8. Ack! so you did. Sorry, I haven't been keeping up with my PM's past couple days...forgive me? lol
  9. Thanks guys! Been riding for about 4 years now, first bike was an 06 VStar 650 but then I wanted something different-always liked the SV's so when a chance came up to pretty much trade even, I took it. And moving up here is...well, I guess you could call it my "reset button". Sometimes you just need to pack up and start over, you know?
  10. That's what I've been told. Although, I spent 98-02 in Montana courtesy of the AF, so I remembered to bring my cold weather gear with me.
  11. lol...It's ok, I can take it. No, not like that, perv! As far as I know, we're right smack dab in the middle of downtown. I can see the lake and the stadium from my window, does that count?
  12. Just moved up here Sat from Atlanta, and NeverEnough (and Jagr!!) suggested I check this place out-so here I be. Ride an 05 SV650 with a few things done to her, but a friend in GA is watching it til I'm able to get it (and my dogs) up here. Used to riding all year, but apparently y'all have this stuff called "snow" and "ice" which means I might just have to buy an enclosed vehicle for the first time in a couple years....lol! Living with a few friends downtown Cleveland, looking for a job, yadda yadda etc etc. I don't bite (hard), so if you want to know anything, just ask! (no, I don't put out on the first date, sorry. ) -Michele
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