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Everything posted by MadMadame

  1. I would if the roads would stay clear long enough...ugh.
  2. AF Security Forces for 8 years, have held a couple security jobs since then so a little of both I guess.
  3. LOL sorry, put it in the "to-do" box and haven't gotten a round tuit.....
  4. Please, please, PLEASE tell me you're bringing ribs again this year! (and yourself, of course. lol) :D:D:D:D
  5. Definitely going to be there all weekend for Fighter Fest. Lookin to get a group ride goin, also will have a couple guys coming from Canada riding through as well. Was an absolute blast past two years (rode up and back from GA-this year's trip will be much shorter! lol), can't wait for this year!!
  6. Haha, nice! Def go with the blue.
  7. Good luck, I just moved without a guaranteed job myself. Hope it works out for ya!
  8. Supposed to only be low 40's here...but I might have to drag the ol'girl out, since it looks like it's going to snow for a while...
  9. Right. Those are good platforms, tho.
  10. Nice 900. I still have a soft spot for those, especially the one Scrapyard used to have. Looks like all the hard work has pretty much been done for you, no? lol
  11. Welcome. Wait, people ride on here?
  12. You're just a helpful kinda guy, aren't ya? lol....Thanks, guys, that will help greatly. Y'all rock. (Well, most of you. lol)
  13. K, this isn't my first go-round in the cold, but it's the first time that I've had a bike to worry about. Don't have a garage, nor could I get it inside (even if I had the room, which I don't)-it's just under the stairs at the covered lot. What, if anything, do I need to do to make sure it still runs once it gets to be nice enough to ride again? Being able to use a battery tender would be nice, but I don't think the management would look too kindly upon the 500+ feet of extension cord I'd have to run to make that possible. Just start it once a week or so and let it run for a bit? It's got antifreeze in it, and I've got plans to get a cover-not that it would really do any good, but it would make me feel better. Any tips/ideas? TIA.
  14. Hey, I know you! lol...sorry to hear about the wreck, I'm sure you'll get her fixed up in no time.
  15. MadMadame


    3D was definitely amazing. Goin back to ATL for christmas, goin to see it in IMAX while I'm down there.
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