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Everything posted by MadMadame

  1. lmao....people never cease to amaze me...or is that frighten me? Either way....
  2. MadMadame

    dj hero

    I'm glad that there are people on here who either have it or are thinking about getting it, as I was pondering it as a christmas pres and wondered if it would be worth it.
  3. Went to this when it was in Atlanta for a couple years, pretty good stuff. Will more than likely be in this year.
  4. Apparently, some people (*cough*me*cough) need to wander around a bit more before they attempt to provide a legitimate answer to what, for all practical purposes, appeared to be a legitimate question... lol
  5. Well, considering that you can't really (sanely) ride in the winter here anyway.....lol....planning on grabbing everything in one fell swoop and being done with it.
  6. I would have to say a perforated leather with a removable liner would be your best bet for springtime. I have a textile and a mesh jacket, but they only get pulled out of the closet when it gets hot outside-I definitely get my money's worth out of the leather in the cooler months.
  7. Going to have to get mine touched up or repainted sometime, have to remember this thread.
  8. Oh don't worry, it's running (at least it better be LOL)-it's just that I came up here with nothing but a couple suitcases, going back in a month or so to get the bike/dogs/stuff.
  9. Sucks that they're out of L....wish I had seen this earlier.
  10. MadMadame


    I have two dogs as well, and will admit that sometimes they can be a bit more than you bargained for. Originally, I didn't want the second one-I took it as a last resort before it ended up in the pound with an uncertain future. Yes, there was an adjustment period-more because I worked long days at the time than because of my other dog; they got/get along great. But it worked out. Granted, it does become a hassle when you want to go anywhere and try and find someone to watch them, or to find somewhere new to live, but now they're "my kids" and I wouldn't have it any other way. Call me a girl if you like, but I'm a bit attached.
  11. I'll most certainly have my bike up here by then.
  12. lol....I know it's horrible, but I find myself wandering that site often.....
  13. Thanks guys. Yeah, so they tell me. lol......
  14. Wish I had my bike up here.... Unfortunately, it's still in GA til I can get down to grab the rest of my stuff and dogs.
  15. The pipes do look really good on that thing. IMO, though, those things are just too busy...but the more I see one, the more I think I like it. The whole bellypan/oil cooler thingy is what throws it off for me, I think.
  16. NCIS, House, Lie to Me, Family Guy, The Oblongs, Futurama....don't really watch a whole lot of TV anymore, but those are a few of my faves.
  17. haha....yeah, you guys will be ok. Y'all ain't nothin compared to the forum I left behind in GA......this may be a little too soon to tell, but you guys seem like you at least make an effort into being nice to each other....lol!
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