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Everything posted by MadMadame

  1. Saw a guy riding up 71 yesterday....brr. Wasn't snowing, but dude was still nuts.
  2. I have an odd request....take a picture of something yellow? (Like 675 Daytona yellow.) My current rig hates that color, and I'm looking for something else-but I don't need to walk into the same problem, ya know?
  3. At least you have a job. lol
  4. Haha, I got nothin right now. Guess I'll just have to content myself with sharing the front end on my bike.
  5. Clean bike, wish I had the $.
  6. North GA still gets its share of cold and snow, but the good part is you're really really close to some GREAT roads-and, although you're close (within a couple hours) of the Dragon, you never have to touch it and can still be completely happy.
  7. Haha wow...I just spent WAY too long looking at that site....lol.........
  8. I know a couple guys in GA who won't ride without theirs. They say it's pretty much an invaluable investment, and whenever they go on a long trip they turn it on. Pretty cool, because you can go to the website and follow their progress as well.
  9. It was a very LONG ride, I'll tell ya that-first long ride ever, just switched bike/styles....it was interesting. lol! Haven't ridden one, sat on a couple, heard very good things. I loved the yami, but at 39hp it gets a little slow after a while...I'll probably get another one one day. ;)

  10. MadMadame

    Mmmmm, yummy

    Personal fave is Tattoo and Cherry Coke.
  11. Yeah, my dream bike is a Street Triple...that thing fits me perfect, lol....Had the SV since Jul of 07 after trading in my 1st bike, an 06 VStar...the weekend after I bought it, I rode from ATL to Charleston. Damn my ass hurt. lol! ;)

  12. We all frequent customfighters.com, general hooligans in bike styling. Catman, too. ;)

  13. Honestly, I just liked the quote...lol.....:o

  14. I know the feelin. Southern born and raised, said I'd never come back to the Arctic after four years in Montana....but here I am again....lol.....
  15. There are a few nice roads, but in order to hit the mountains you'll have to go north a couple hours. Other than that you can find a few twisties...I just like the general lack of cold.
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