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Everything posted by MadMadame

  1. I had handguards that were from a KTM on my SV last winter...they work ok, but had I stayed in GA for another winter I would have gone with Hippo Hands. They look teh ghey, but everyone who I knew that used them raved about them. One guy had heated grips as well, and wore his summer gloves because they kept so much heat in there.
  2. Yeah, I lived there for 5 years courtesy of the AF, and only left because I couldn't find a job after I got out...but the second I get one there, I'm so gone. Love that place. Beautiful, warm, riding all year round...ah.
  3. Charleston, SC. I'd go back in a heartbeat.
  4. Coldest I rode in GA was 17....I didn't have a car at the time, so the bike was the only way I could get to work. (Yes, it does get cold in GA.) Visor frosted over, fortunately due to traffic I couldn't go very fast so riding with the visor up didn't freeze my eyeballs solid...but it still sucked, lol....
  5. Wow....I don't really know what to say about that....lol......
  6. Hey yourself! I'm just happy that there's a slim chance I don't have to wait til FF10 for some more of your cookin LOL!
  7. So what about the D3000? I'm looking to upgrade my DMC-FZ50 soon, and loved my prior Nikons.
  8. Catman is a DAMN good cook.......
  9. I used it a little to try and learn Italian while I was working with them when I was deployed to Iraq...it's a cool program, I was picking it up pretty good. Funny thing was when I and an Italian soldier were actually able to speak slowly enough in our respective languages to understand what each other was saying....lol....wouldn't pay $500 for it, though, that's just silly.
  10. My brother did that in Atlanta for a while-until a cargo van going the wrong way down a one-way street broadsided him in front of the courthouse. He's on disability now.
  11. Well, I guess if you don't have any tiedowns handy.....er, no.
  12. MadMadame


    Definitely interesting, let us know what you think of it.
  13. The only one I can explain is the kid with the dustbuster on the cat one....Apparently, he was assisting at a vet clinic, and the cat had just been shaved prior to spaying, and the dustbuster is the easiest way to remove all the hair. The rest, tho....I got nothin, lol.
  14. Real or not, listening to that "newscaster" read that damn near puts me into hysterics every time.... Armageddon!!
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