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Everything posted by fazer1sniper

  1. Now that I got time to work on MY bike I have been thinking... I put alot of miles on my 2004 Gen 1 FZ1 and due to my recent exeriance with modding and building body panels I have been batting around the idea of putting my bike back to the oringinal upper fairing, building side-lower-belly plasics and seeting up a rack for my soft panners and a Pelican case on the tail. More of a touring bike. OR Should I be happy and toss on my soft bags and backpack? now... then...
  2. Bring it on up. I'd have a blast doctoring that ninja up a bit.
  3. I think I'ts because my job has medical. It's a cool side gig though.
  4. With the execption of the chain, sprockets and rear brake parts (that the owner did not get to me this weekend) my work is done. Side covers built, mirrors on,wired up & all back together. Done! Only been 4 weekends, but it felt longer.
  5. This bike is gonna be just AWESOME.
  6. I got that planned out. I have a set of Emgo Road Hawks that I will be fabricating mounts for off the clip on's. No bar end type on a learner's bike.
  7. Kat's are strong, simple bikes. $2K aint too out of line. And hell yea, I'd mod the hell out of that. Love the bike, hate the lines on 'em
  8. I got a sawz all and fiberglass
  9. I just have no fear of the good old sawz all. If I dont like the look or line on a bike, I chop it off and/or replace it.
  10. It's getting there.... I wanna get it ll done this weekend & get the wife's Interceptor and my FZ1 ready for this season.
  11. Really not gonna be a true Streetfighter. No proformance mod's, frame mods, Just a simple, clean, nakid bike. Here is where I started. It's a friend of a friend's wife bike. the guy gave it to her after getting a BlackBird 1100 and spent the last few years basshing up this Kat. Poorly maintained, ugly paint, dropped, bent and JB welded parts... list goes on. He want's it ready for his wife to ride in a few weeks and I'm a retard so I tell him I can do something with it. This guy just beats up bikes but I got to meet his wife, I broke it down to her, told her about the streetfighter concempt and she was all in. She just wanted to keep it on the mild side and leave it a 2 up bike. Here's where I went... new head light & gauge mount. old skool Honda FT500 tail glassed into chopped rear fairings. Chopped what was left of the side/ uppr fairing and got this far. My little streetfighter-nakid bike upper from chipped parts ans fiberglass. A quick 4 to one pipe mod. my condenced gauge cluster. out of ABS I will cut, heat and bend to fit the fairing. Cleaned up and in paint. I got some small covers to build this weekend as well as a few simple things. I THINK it looks better...
  12. Damn... SEAL guys got him. My rifle was doped in!!!!! Fist bump to the squids... Great hunting boys. Rum toast in hand.
  13. I so have to crack out the rig and shoot with you guys this year. LONG haul for me and need to get a "rug rat" free weekend.
  14. Outstanding sport. i got two buddies that are MSF instuctors sugested the same thing to me when training with the wife and kid on their bikes.
  15. Bummer, max. would have been cool to see ya and maybe get you vote on my scoot.
  16. Let's face it. When we remove a stock fender and move the plate we're asking LEO (Like me) and every one else to look twice. For other bikers if to get a "hey that looks cool" But Patrol cops on trafic duty, any thing that draws attention can be taken as "resonable suspicion" or "probable cause" to initiate a trafic stop. DAC, is right to post the heads up. Come up around my way when and if our lay off end and I get back out of jail division and back on patrol, I may stop you... But I have made stops on bikes just to say "Man, I had to stop you cause I gotta get a better look at your sweet bike!" I never got anything from the guys I stopped other than a laugh, a great tour of the bike, invites to go ride when I get off shift & even free beer.
  17. Motus has been working on the V4 bike for a couple years now & been taking their sweet time with getting it out there.
  18. ...And that little bike could MOVE.
  19. The Best In Show Bike: The Virago (my lil OD Green chop behind it)
  20. I have to find a use for once fired Fed Match brass. I gave away about 700 of them last year. I can't use reloads due to departmental liability. I gotta use factory ammo only out of the bolt rig for operations. My stick likes 168 Gold Medal Match, 165 Fed bonded & the 150 Hornady TAP. I'm sure somebody had a great load that I'd love but I dont wana collect data on a round I can't shoot on the job.
  21. It would seem my photobucket took a crap so i made a new one. here are some finished pics... http://i1104.photobucket.com/albums/h330/]
  22. I rode the snot out of it today. Ended up up at the local bar where a half dozon bikes were parked. I got alot of "what the hell is that?"'s. Was fun. It scoots out pretty good for a 400. Tracks nice, breaking is decent, turns easy as speed. Good times. Just came home to park it before I got so lit that I end up dropping it.
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