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Everything posted by HomeSlice

  1. How about some pictures? Or more information?
  2. lets post the most annoying pictures.
  3. Its your head bro- be smart! Buy a helmet that fits well and keep the current one for when you gain the weight back or dump it on E bay for a couple hundred bucks!
  4. Hope he's got a good dental plan.
  5. V1- Don't let people tell you otherwise, they don't have one. Anyone who has one loves it- the arrows are boss.
  6. There is a welder that works in Johnstown right on the edge of town on Rt 37. Does great work and can probably hook you up if you want a cheap fix.
  7. I concur. Shitty service for an exorbitant amount of money.
  8. LoL some days? I carried my g17 once- never again.
  9. This just in!!! "If a citizen can visually estimate a police officer is overweight, the squad car will be taken away from their fat ass and they will be forced to walk or run everywhere- No scale will be needed to verify the citizens estimates"
  10. Conviction Date: 05/10/2010 Dft's Plea: No Contest Dft. Found: G Fine Amt.: 750.00 Susp.: Costs Amt.: 80.00 Susp.: Jail Time: 90 Susp.: 90 O.L. Susp. From: 08-06-2009 O.L. Susp. To: 08-06-2011 Dispo.: 8-20-09 NOT GUILTY PLEA; O R BOND; 4/5/10 PSI ORDERED 5-10-2010 5 YRS PROBATION, OCC PRIV, 100 HOURS COMMUNITY SER VICE, NO CELL PHONE USE OR POSSESSION.OCC PRIV
  11. That's what we like to call a "disposable" gun.
  12. Wow. Get a life- are you new to campus?
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