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Everything posted by bigd

  1. who's gonna be the first to bid?
  2. Seriously, I might buy this thing for $200 just so I can look at it every day.
  3. How amazing...you never see these things come up for sale...and even better, it's local... http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Custom-Honda-Accord-Concept-Car-Project-/290581844759?pt=US_Cars_Trucks&hash=item43a8071317#ht_1380wt_1165
  4. I may be wrong, but with all the publicity, and the fact that the brewer believes this to be their largest state distribution addition ever (from volume, and # of consumers)....I doubt they'll continue their "cheap" pricing. Too bad too, because as mentioned - it's not really any better than the other cheap options, just different.
  5. Forgot to mention, you can stop them too if you'd like... Adwords trademark infringement request. https://services.google.com/inquiry/aw_tmcomplaint
  6. It looks to be dynamic keyword insertion. They aren't really using that text in their ad, they are however, bidding on that keyword. (so i guess you can still feel honored).
  7. I see much time wasted in my future today...
  8. they die every year there...if you race there I'd say you almost have to expect some major risks with it. When motogp racers swear they'd never do it...probably a bad idea for anyone with a sense of self preservation..
  9. Great time on monday. Thanks as usual for all the instructors help and expertise...i'm getting faster by each track day!
  10. Kids nap time, took the chance to load her up...see you all there in the am!
  11. I'm all paid up for the 6th. Can't wait. 3rd track day ever. (Novice class)
  12. will take for free if you get that low
  13. I think i may wait to see what weather's looking like for the 6th at mid-O and join up.
  14. Well said man. I've never thought it through like that...but I think subconsiously I've been in the same spot all along. - Learn from others (both mistakes of theirs and advanced riders doing it well) and ride 300% defensively on the street. I always keep the "NO ONE CAN SEE ME" tenet at the front of my mind...and has saved my butt a number of times..
  15. damn....this is right next to my office. crazy. rip rider.
  16. bigd

    MOTO GP is back!

    Not a huge Stoner fan at all...but great line muttered to Vale this past weekend after the crash. "Your ambition outweighed your talent". Ballsy words to one of the winningest racers ever.
  17. bigd

    Ride today?

    just a quickie around the neighborhood to tease myself. waiting for warmer weather for anything with any duration...
  18. best part of the yellow vette is that he pops the trunk before he pops the hood...classic, shows you how much that dude knows about his car...
  19. they couldn't find braided brake lines and chrome them? pussies.
  20. bigd

    Ring of Fire

    It's pretty good. Shoot me a PM whenever you're this way and I'll let you know if it's still around.
  21. bigd

    Ring of Fire

    I was 100% lost when reading this for about 2 seconds...lol
  22. bigd

    Ring of Fire

    http://www.amazon.com/Ring-Fire-Rick-Broadbent/dp/0593062639 Review of this book...Good (6.5/10)...anyway, just finished it up - hardback edition. it's yours for free if you want it. pickup only. located in worthington. first to respond gets it. thanks.
  23. I didn't get to go this past weekend...but got the followup email today and saw that attendees got $50 off for mid ohio school courses...does anyone know if valid for PTR courses? and if so, does anyone know how i can get one?
  24. So glad to see the guys out on track again.... bummed to see Hayden/Rossi/Spies so far out of the hunt. Honda looks damn dominant this year.
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