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Everything posted by bigd

  1. bigd

    Merry Christmas!

    To all the OR's out there...Merry Christmas, and happy Holidays. :HOXmasE005HL:
  2. Not sure if it's still open for dinner...but the Columbus Maennerchor downtown is awesome, authentic german.
  3. bigd

    let it snow

    Type "let it snow" into google for a pleasant surprise.
  4. Followed by News anchor fails... http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&feature=endscreen&v=3KNpn-XGM04
  5. bigd

    do want

    I'm usually very much against the street fighter look...but that is really well done. I always liked those white vfr rims as well. good choice for that bike.
  6. I need to order. Can't wait to see it.
  7. A follow up vid. Check out the shot of the dash...
  8. Drool. I want one under the xmas tree this year.
  9. I'll try to make it there for this, if not...worthington will get to hear some motor for 58 seconds...
  10. Top Gear UK Survivor Rules of Engagement
  11. I can't believe that was a legitimate list. I thought for certain from the thread title this was a joke.
  12. Just freaking classic. I literally just cried laughing.
  13. you can put it on www.vimeo.com too, and password protect if you wanted to.
  14. bigd

    this legit?

    Send him a note..I want to hear how this scam plays out.
  15. What's reasonable for a custom projector screen these days?
  16. Thanks for the link, natedogg. Paolo's statements make it a little easier to take seeing that video.
  17. Watched it this am with my family - as is our usual sunday morning ritual on a race weekend...my wife looked up from the computer when she heard me exclaim...and then couldn't take the waiting while the announcers discussed. She jumped online and burst into tears after reading the result...disturbing/alarming, and ultimately just really, really sad. Such a young guy with so much talent. Rip #58, the paddock will I'm sure be a much changed place without that hair and humor.
  18. Great looking bike. Nice mach 1 too...what year is it? 69?
  19. More or less, yeah. It was a guy's favorite ride before mine...I think he was pretty distraught to see it go. His loss...my gain...
  20. I like the challenge. I've done a few mustangs without incident...and hell this thing has TC...so, no worries.
  21. New to me anyway...a 97 Mark VIII with 65k miles. Tan leather, and as with all Mark VIII's...about every available option. A little more buffing, and it'll be purrty... http://www.ohioriders.net/album.php?albumid=1375&pictureid=14750
  22. bigd

    DSC 0009

    From the album: New Cage

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