What was I thinking....vacation, no bike to ride. I'm jonesing...don't get me wrong, family time at the beach is great and all, but come on - gorgeous weather and all the time in the world. It's killing me I can't ride. Might even stoop so low as to rent a hardly. idk what the hell to do...
Only one day under my belt so far but the simple fact of being able to push my limits without fear of oncoming traffic, gravel, cops, deer, etc makes the track totally addicting. I will definitely be doing it again.
I feel horrible for him, and he's an amazing rider - but I'll be happy to see a little more parity among the riders. (Maybe Hayden has a better shot at the championship now - )
What a freaking a-hole. Anyone who treats a woman like that is less of a man than she is...f-ing pusswah... I'd have definitely called the police - and good call on getting the preggers wife back in the car.
I'll probably be there on the 7th. Likely making my reservation tomorrow. First track day for me too...sounds like I'll be in good company with other newbie/novices. Honestly can't wait. Totally excited to get on track.
Sure did. Slid my 93 mustang around a corner on campus - toyko drift style, smoke and all...cops first words - "give me one reason I don't take you to jail right now"...didn't have anything else on the record at that point, so he just gave me the reckless ops (6 pts., about $700 in fines/court time). No fun for a college kid. Points and $ sucked...but it was a great powerslide...