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Everything posted by BadTrainDriver

  1. I've most definitely driven like an asshat a few times, I'm not saying I haven't. What I'm saying is, the barrier did it's job. It's not dangerous. It's not going to jump out in the fucking road in front of you and chop your head off...it's going to STOP you from going into the opposite direction of traffic, potentially causing more damage/harm to others. The roads are safer with them in place, and that's a fact that can't be argued.
  2. Is that his head in the picture, behind the car, in the grass?
  3. $10 says the driver of the Viper has driving like an asshat...and if that's the case that I'm correct, better he decapitate himself than head on(no pun) a family of five in a mini van headed(no pun) the other direction.
  4. I was going to suggest you, but couldn't remember your name on here. OP, take it to this guy^
  5. That sucks, buddy! I totally remember the last time I dumped a bike, and it was at a stand still, taking a heavy ass bike off a center stand while standing beside it. It flopped right over, taking me with it! That part looks to be cast aluminum, which isn't the best to try and weld...but I'm far from an expert on welding. For $85, I'd just buy a new one. Hell, if nothing else, have it welded after you replace it, then try and sell it to recover some money.
  6. I've been ticketed almost that fast. No wreckless op, just a speeding ticket. TN Trooper was very cool. I saw him when I passed him, and by the time he pulled over behind me I was already off the bike with my helmet off. Sometimes it pays to be respectful.
  7. Hahhahahahhahahhahahahahhaahahhhahah
  8. http://abcnews.go.com/International/american-general-killed-shooting-afghan-military-academy/story?id=24843479 In before Casper.
  9. If timing was off, even a tooth, it wouldn't have run for three months...or at least not very well.
  10. I'm with CSC, it's the head gaskets. Here's a good read about them. http://allwheeldriveauto.com/subaru-head-gaskets-problems-explained-part-ii/
  11. Huge POS. http://evtv.me/2014/07/milling-mire/
  12. I'd do this if we could shut down 270 and make it a race. I've always wanted to see if I could do a sub 30 minute lap.
  13. Beautiful area, but how is that a two day ride? Peddling a bicycle?
  14. Many, many years ago I took a motorcycle trip to see my brother in Florida. I left Ironton, Ohio at the butt crack of dawn, and my first stop was for fuel and food in Lexington Kentucky. After filling up with gas, and a big ass breakfast/multiple cups of coffee at a Cracker Barrel, I headed back down the highway. Right around the Kentucky/Tennessee line, I feel an urge coming on that I've got to shit...and by urge, I mean a sudden urge! I'm doing better than 100mph to get to the next rest area, and I'm clinching my ass so hard I'm surprised I didn't pull a muscle. All I could think about was finding a place to release this massive amount of crap I'm trying my best to hold back. To this day, I still thank God I made it to the rest area. I get off the bike, and I'm sort of half sprinting, half running to the door. I make it. I'm sweating. It's not even hot outside. I make it inside the stall. Oh fuck...I can't figure out the zipper sequence on the Aerostich Roadcrafter pants! One goes up, one goes down. They're like a jigsaw...but I'm not in the mood for games, as I'm about half a second away from ruining my pants, underwear, my socks, and probably my boots! Now, when I say that I JUST got my pants down, I'm not exaggerating. As soon as my pants passed my butthole, that baby opened up and a force that can only be described as "projectile diarrhea" occurred. I painted the toilet and wall with the most disgusting, runny, brown stench, the likes of which I've never done before or since. Immediate relief, followed by immediate panic...where is my helmet!? I clean myself up, head outside, and right there on my motorcycle seat sits my brand new, black Shoei helmet, and the keys in the ignition. At a rest area on I-75. Twice relieved in five minutes!
  15. Guilty or not, I don't really give a fuck...because if that happened to me, I wouldn't want to live. You could just go ahead and stone me to death, or leave me in a hot car...without my son, I wouldn't really give a fuck.
  16. Too bad this happened in Canada...because I'd use it for the reason that I mow down the fucking geese that are always around here, crossing the road, stopping traffic. I hate those fucking flying carp!
  17. So you were being sarcastic? I sees now. I'm glad we're on the same page, happy that the county got this awesome piece of equipment.
  18. I had both a Mossberg shotgun and a Beretta pistol in the Marine Corps. I own both now as a civilian. What makes you say I shouldn't have them?
  19. Are cops(or anybody else) perfect? Hell no. BUT, if your house gets flashbanged and cops come charging in in the middle of the night, you can bet 99.999% of the time, you had it coming.
  20. Sometimes I thought, just maybe you were out in left field playing football...but now I know for sure, you are truly fucking retarded. Do us all a favor. Go get really fucking high, get on your motorcycle(without a helmet), and drive really fast into a fucking wall.
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