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alienpi last won the day on February 25 2011

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About alienpi

  • Birthday October 7

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    2013 CB1000R

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  1. Got lunch at Wendy's the other day. Did the 4 for $4, with my 10℅ discount card, and free frosty's for all of 2017 tag. So, I got a double stack (with no onion), nuggets, fries, Coke, and frosty; for $3.65. Pretty good deal!
  2. Upgraded my Android phone to new generation of same model, without checking the dimensions. Phone grew into a freaking tablet.
  3. That's where I got mine, you were probably looking at the same white 2013 that I got earlier this year. That's cool, because I was really looking at the GSXS.
  4. The GSXS is awesome, it was on my short list when I was shopping, but I couldn't pass the deal (generous discount, SS swingarm, upgraded steel lines, and unique look) on the CB1KR.
  5. Man, those tires look brand new in the picture. Glad you're healing.
  6. Looks like it competes against the Diavel, people seem to buy those things for 20k. I think if I was in the market for a poker run/drag strip bike, I'd get a VMax with the extra fuel cell (for extra range).
  7. I like to do 1 or 2 Mid Ohio track days every year; I just ride my CB1000R to the Mansfield Travel Lodge the day before, and then ride to track in morning.
  8. Maybe it's some kind of mind control frequency to get everyone to go shopping on black Friday or something.
  9. I've found that I prefer 7.5 shot when I shoot clays. I get too many smokey clays that don't break with 8 shot. It seems crazy that there's that much of a difference. But yeah, my rattley Mossberg 500 tactical is great for home peace of mind.
  10. If you already have a lot of 9mm, there's the Armscore TCM series that has a drop in 9mm, and has the 1911 form factor. It shoots the 22 TCM which is similar to the caliber secret service uses due to penetrating bulletproof vests and high capacity. And it shoots fireballs... https://goo.gl/images/xJjSP7
  11. The border agents are no longer listening to the obomber agenda; the markets are rallying in spite of the demoncraptic agenda.
  12. I just looked and the results still aren't official on the NY times site. It seems crazy, but maybe the reason George Soros is spending money for all of the post election riots is to set the stage for stealing the election. The results aren't official yet. http://tapnewswire.com/2016/11/red-alert-they-are-still-trying-to-steal-the-election/
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