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Posts posted by alienpi

  1. Apparently, I fat fingered the phone and hit the F instead of the R and it changed it to another word that I didn't mean to type. I must have noticed that it changed to what ever it changed it to, and hit the backspace (automatically changes it back to whatever I typed). But I didn't check to see that I spelled it wrong to begin with.

    :lol: It seems when people quote you the quote is slightly modified to what you meant to say.

  2. here is how "effective" TSA is.

    the guy who wrote this article


    took ALL THIS STUFF through security in different airports.


    i especially liked the part about the hezbollah flag... but really, when we hire hillbillies to secure our airports, you cant expect them to know everything right?

    airport security is a joke, and the no fly list does not work.


  3. If you think that we won't be attacked in our own country again, you are fooling yourselves!

    i'm not saying I don't think we need security, i'm just commenting on the evidence that shows our government is complicit in attacks such as 9/11 (see 911 truthers) and the underwear bomber.

    in the underwear bomber's case the patsy was escorted past security. In the case of 911, where is all the explosive residue coming from that all the engineers are identifying as unmistakeably residue from a demolition.

    It seems as though the government never wastes a crisis, and when it needs one it'll make it happen.

  4. If I were a terrorist, based on these recent reactionary approaches, I would propose that a certain type of scanner should be added to support air port security. Then after talks are initiated I would work with the CIA on a "training exercise" that tests airport security. And then after the patsy in the exercise hurts himself, and causes fear, I'd increase the price of the scanners and suggest they be used everywhere, despite the health risks.

    Then I could make a ton of cash and decrease the population slowly by inducing cancer.

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