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Posts posted by alienpi

  1. At www.headphone.com there is an amplifier section. I used an Airhead ($100) headphone amp out of my iPod and laptops for the Grados and especially the Sennheisers. The headphone amplifier is great because it has processing that can be switched on/off that makes listening to headphones less fatiguing. Also the amp adds a headphone output, so you can share your music without sharing headphones. I have one of the higher end headphone amps, to use with the HD650s, in my reference system and the result rivals the $25,000 stereo systems that I've heard.

  2. Check out www.headphone.com for hundreds of headphone recommendations. I've owned and listened to many headphones from radioshack and the like, but the first time I heard headphones sound amazing was with the Grados. I've heard the Grado sr60s ($70)and owned the sr80s ($95)and Sr325s. I now own the Sennheiser HD650s ($450) and am going to buy a new set of SR325s ($300). The Sennheisers are crazy accurate, but the Grados are more fun and in my opinion sound better. I've been contemplating the Beyerdynamics, but I've never heard them.

    Oh yeah, the Grados have a low impedance so they will sound fine out of your laptop. The HD650s have a higher impedance which means they sound much better with a headphone amplifier. The Grados sound fantastic with an amp, but also sound fine just out of normal headphone jacks.

  3. I'd talk to a local school band and see about getting a few small ensembles to play. Having them play very recognizable songs like the Star-Spangled Banner and Pachelbel's Canon will remind people of baseball games and weddings. It would have people talking, which is good for business.

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