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Posts posted by alienpi

  1. Just this weekend I pulled over to the far left lane to pass some dude in the middle lane, going about 70, and as soon as I sped up a little and could see his front bumper in my passenger side mirror he sped up. Then I realized that he was racing or something, so I stayed in the left lane until he passed. After he got the satisfaction of winning "the race" he swerved over in between people in the slow lane and exited. :lol:

  2. I have my normal computer running Windows Vista 64 and it's running Folding@home in the background. It only uses 1 core's worth on my quad-core. I have an old computer (Pentium 4) that I sanitized and installed Ubuntu on, and started it folding on my team. This thing is turning out work units left and right, and is making my progress on the Phenom quad-core seem mediocre.

    I was thinking about making a Linux virtual machine on the quad-core and having it fold just to see how it compares.

    Just thought I'd put this information out there for any competitive folders. It might be beneficial to run the folding in Linux to get more out of your spare cycles.

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