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Posts posted by alienpi

  1. Thanks to everyone for your input. I switched the quadcore's folding to the graphics card. :D After watching the folding progress from the graphics card, I disabled folding from the old experimental machine. As soon as I raise my personal team score to something beyond pathetic, I'll switch to the Ohio-Riders team.

  2. people like this irritate me man...if they pull that stunt, i floor it and wont back down until i blow them away or my vehicle has nothing left in it...they wanna act that way, then i wanna see just how fast theyre willing to go to make a point.

    ive had a few high triple digit run ins with people of this nature.... douche bags, drive 60mph and then get pissed when you try to pass them

    My car could have easily dusted this guys car, I figured I'd let him pass me and then when he slows down back to normal speed I'd do a normal pass with a thumbs up or something. Unfortunately, he disappointed me by immediately exiting.

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