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Everything posted by alienpi

  1. Virginia is the state with all the highway monitoring via airplanes, state patrols in unmarked Chargers, and where radar detectors are illegal. They know how to keep it lame.
  2. Your avatar is awesome! I remember trying to use a USB keyboard on an old computer, and I got the "keyboard not found! Press any key to continue" message. I just went for a walk until I could stop laughing.

  3. He said that he had a 250 for over 5 years. The Hayabusa has a longer wheelbase, additional weight, more torque, and better ergonomics; I think these properties make it more stable and easier to ride on the street than a literbike. The power to weight ratio of modern literbikes is higher than the Hayabusa. I've never ridden a Hayabusa, but I have sat on one so I might be wrong.
  4. Because it's entertaining. :-)
  5. alienpi


    Two pages back? Having everything on one page makes it a lot easier. User CP -> Settings & Options: Edit Options -> Thread Display Options: Number of Posts to Show Per Page -> Drop Down menu to change posts per page.
  6. alienpi

    ITunes Fail!

    It makes sense, considering since the New Years Eve countdown was just a few days ago. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FjeMDvCdrtc
  7. I have a degree in computer forensics and security. I've always been interested in countering system intrusions and gadgets that the bad guys use.
  8. http://m.zdnet.com/news/fbi-taps-cell-phone-mic-as-eavesdropping-tool/150467
  9. The jammer that I linked to also jams gps; that's what I'm really interested in. I'm not really paranoid. I just like the idea of being prepared for unlikely scenarios; it's fun. Plus I like unusual gadgets. Actually jamming the cell frequencies would prevent surveillance if your smart phone has remote access. I've read of instances where smart phones are remotely turned on and used to monitor without the smart phone's owner's knowledge. In this instance they aren't monitoring cell conversations, but actual conversations.
  10. That's a swell idea! If I'm a freshman again then I can violate the [(age/2) + 7] rule! Freshman girls are open game!
  11. 42. When the women that you introduce to your parents already know each other.
  12. I want one for possibility to disable tracking devices. I've read instances where the cops put tracking devices on cars while they're in the suspects driveway. It'd be good for peace of mind knowing that the tracking devices can be disabled. With homeland security targeting veterans, gun owners, and anyone that believes in the constitution; devices combatting surveillance will become increasingly important. http://www.allgov.com/ViewNews/Court_Rules_that_Your_Driveway_is_Not_Private_Property__Unless_Youre_Rich_100830 http://www.infowars.com/judge-warns-of-orwellian-state-in-warrantless-gps-tracking-case/ http://www.infowars.com/ http://chinagrabber.com/10m-5-band-portable-cell-phone-and-gps-jammer---jammer-r21.aspx
  13. I am interested in picking up the lower cost model, 10m. I will report back on how well it works.
  14. I had a SV1000S and I now have a 1125R. While I was shopping for a new bike I seriously considered the Z1000. I was just curious which bike is your favorite? I'd prefer the Buell for the track, but for the street I'm undecided.

  15. I like the flying boat better because when the seas get choppy, you can just fly over the waves. The jet thing would be great for the times when my Martin Jetpack is being serviced. Www.martinjetpack.com
  16. 381,839 here. I'd like to see a 1190RS in my garage when I win. :-)
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