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Everything posted by alienpi

  1. I hope he got his gear back.
  2. Looks like it may be on for this year? http://www.drivebluegrass.com/news/events.html "Happy Holidays from all of us at Bluegrass Motorsports Park! We are thankful for the things we have rather than the things we don't have or lost along the way. I hope everyone is having a Happy Holidays and we look forward to seeing you in 2011."
  3. Dyna beads are great! http://innovativebalancing.com/
  4. It's cool that the previous owner dropped it. Now when you drop it, it won't be as dramatic. I dropped/crashed my first 3 bikes, your results may vary. That's awesome that you're planning on wearing gear!
  5. Congratulations! I might be selling some stuff too.
  6. Supposedly it's a common occurrence. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20110107/ap_on_sc/us_sci_dead_wildlife_fact_check
  7. My rule is that when passing multiple cars simultaneously, or splitting lanes, I must exceed the posted speed limit by at least 30 mph. Splitting lanes when cars in the left lane are passing cars in the right lane is made safer by completing the split while the cars are beside each other and don't have an opportunity to swerve into the other lane.
  8. Yet another reason to keep your systems patched and run vulnerability assessments on a regular basis.
  9. We should have a poll!
  10. alienpi

    Get Drunk HERE!

    Lift tick isn't valid til 4, so I have to do shots until then. :-)
  11. Tailgating would increase both parties fuel mileage by creating a more streamlined shape. Maybe he was just trying to help conserve precious resources and thus save money for both you and him in the process?
  12. Naturally there's tons of money to be made with vaccines, so they have to be good for you. Here's a link to an article stating that the Mercury-containing vaccines may actually help instead of harm. http://www.health.am/ab/more/mercury_containing_vaccines_may_help_not_harm_kids/ Here's the link for mercury exposure on the EPA's website. http://www.epa.gov/hg/exposure.htm If the vaccines are no longer linked to autism are they stilled linked to other health problems? Studies have shown that vaccines are linked to Diabetes in Children. http://www.naturalnews.com/023902.html Studies have shown that vaccines are laced with population control substances. http://www.theflucase.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=416:will-the-qswine-fluq-vaccine-contain-birth-control-substances&catid=1:latest-news&Itemid=64〈=en Here's a video of a doctor more concerned about the vaccine than the flu. 25,000 times the accepted level of mercury exposure? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cuhzrrp-WFQ http://www.epa.gov/hg/exposure.htm Vaccines are probably excellent if the virus they are protecting people from is released into the wild before the vaccination is available. http://www.infowars.com/who-admits-to-releasing-pandemic-virus-into-population-via-mock-up-vaccines/ On the other hand there a lot more resources that have studied the effects of vaccines on peoples health and autism than just this one researcher's. http://www.infowars.com/voluminous-research-proves-vaccines-are-deadly/
  13. Supposedly the Conspiracy Theory shows on TruTV are being censored and removed from DVRs. They will probably be pulled from YouTube eventually. http://www.infowars.com/censored-jesse-ventura-show-on-fema-camps-survives-on-you-tube/ http://www.infowars.com/confirmed-venturas-conspiracy-theory-episodes-disappearing-from-dvrs/
  14. Yeah, they are hilarious! I thought people were just really bad typers (rupees, according to autocorrect) but after recently getting an iPod touch, I now realize how frustrating the autocorrect is.
  15. Makes sense since it may cost them a few cents at tax time for inventory?
  16. Over four years ago the former Ministry of Defense chief warned that Britain could be attacked by extraterrestrials. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-415514/Aliens-attack-time-warns-MoD-chief.html Here's an interview with an astronaut describing the government's rampant propagation of misinformation, concerning UFOs. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qbmQhwQiZ4Y By the way here is an interesting webpage describing the effectiveness, or lack therof, of aluminum foil helmets. http://berkeley.intel-research.net/arahimi/helmet/
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