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Everything posted by alienpi

  1. It must have been too hot for pants, long sleeve shirts, gloves, and boots. But really he could have ditched the helmet and added a bandana and a nice pair of motorcycle glasses to complete the ensemble.
  2. That last picture is awesome! One rider checking out her ass while the other checks out the chest.
  3. Don't try to embed it, just post the url (I put it in the video's titlebar).
  4. I suggest finding a chick with nice boobs and money. Www.cougarlife.com Ask her for a PS3 and/or XBox 360 for Christmas.
  5. Oh, sorry for talking like you don't already have a camera, tripod, and remote. I guess I just wanted to put a suggestion out there, and I just worded it wrong. I know when I was shopping for a camera, I was surprised at the dramatic price decrease especially relative to recording HD.
  6. By the way you can pick up a nice video camera that shoots 1080P (Camileo H30) and a tripod for around $200. It has a remote and a screen that can be flipped so you can view what's being recorded.
  7. I heard this saying on Live with Regis and Kelly, or some other morning show. The best way to get over a woman is to get under another. I suggest meeting lots of women at bars, ski resorts, parties and the like; get lots of numbers. A few days later, after some casual texting, request a picture of their boobs via text. The first woman to send you a picture of her boobs is the one you want to go out on a date with. If multiple ones send the boobs simultaneously and you can't decide, ask for pictures of their panties or lack thereof.
  8. Well, hopefully the bullets in your gun are not part of the recall when the self defense incident occurs. http://www.theonion.com/video/manufacturer-recalls-hollow-point-bullets-that-fai,14319/
  9. Here's something I found on the Onion on the worst airport. Hilarious! http://www.theonion.com/video/pragues-franz-kafka-international-named-worlds-mos,14321/
  10. I knew it wasn't my fault! It's my DNA's fault!
  11. I'm thinking it'd be cool to take it on Lake Erie during some good 5-10 feet waves. The ability to do spirals, go through waves, and ramp waves would be a blast!
  12. I can't wait for these! http://www.theonion.com/video/obama-replaces-costly-highspeed-rail-plan-with-hig,18473/
  13. alienpi

    are you back?

    I don't know if this applies, but i thought it was funny. http://www.theonion.com/video/in-the-know-are-reality-shows-setting-unrealistic,14308/
  14. If I were you I'd work at a fast food drive thru. You could print out little advertisements, for your business, to put in the bags with the receipts and other coupons. I remember Rallys used to put a lot of coupons and such in the bags.
  15. Based on Casper's praise of the JVC Marshmallows I purchased them and am impressed. i listened to them inside my motorcycle helmet (RF1000) for a bit and they worked great. I used them yesterday while snow blowing and they blocked out a sufficient amount of noise and were very comfortable. I had no issues with the sound quality, but I don't usually expect much from the music coming straight out of the jack of my ipod. I was very impressed with the sound blocking. The sound was actually unusually good coming out of the old iPod Nano with the Marshmallows sounding like what I expect mp3s to sound like. Could these really be $20 headphones? The bass was spot on, if not a tad heavy (which is fine when there's a lot of background noise to drown it out). The middle frequencies seemed a bit recessed, but with background noise to drown out a little of the bass, I'm guessing the middle frequency recession would seem absent. The highs were there and seemed to have better than average resolution, but also seemed slightly recessed relative to the bass. I was curious to how good they sound hooked up to my reference system. Naturally, I wasn't expecting a miracle, but I was expecting an improvement. After the first few tracks of the Marshmallows hooked up to my Headroom Maxed-Out Home Headphone amplifier, is when I realized the genius of the people at JVC. In my opinion, the Marshmallows sound better powered by the iPod than by my $1000 reference level headphone amplifier. The accentuation of the bass frequencies was too much when connected to the headphone amplifier. The bass seemed to be so powerful that it sounded like one of those stereo systems that the kids have where all you can hear is the bass. Listening to some organ, I felt like I could feel the organ notes moving my outer ear. The recession of the middle frequencies made female vocals sound almost male. And then where most other headphones sound much bigger and have a vastly more spacious sound, the Marshmallows clammed up to where I could clearly hear their soundstage compress to something smaller than what I heard straight from the ipod. My impression is that these things are perfectly tuned to their application, and that by using reference level equipment with them just exposes there flaws, which are actually engineered compensations for the low powered portable player market, specifically the ipod since they are color coordinated with their colors. Connecting the $20 marshmallows to the $1000 amplifier (connected to other reference level equipment) is probably not going to be a common occurrence, so I'm pretty sure that this is not a problem in general. As a side note, I had to get out my much pricier Ultimate Ears (in-ear style headphones that wouldn't fit in my ears with the helmet) to compare, and as usual they sounded amazing with the headphone amp and average from the ipod. I looked at reviews on JVC's website and found some reviews that confirmed my review of these headphones. One reviewer in particular said they sounded better than his $200+ in-ear systems of the past. I can definitely recommend these, and then if you want something to listen to when you're not wearing a helmet, try some Grado SR80s. The Grados will sound great with the ipod and even better if you add a Headroom amplifier.
  16. Yep, I've met a few people that ran into car problems in the winter and ended up riding there bikes until they could afford to get the car fixed. Having a good pair of boots to slide along each side of the bike, as stabilizers, is important.
  17. Yeah, looks like that post was a scam, but there are some great deals on bikes right now. I was at Competition Accessories a few days ago and there was a couple of new R6 (0-miles) for like $7,500/each (retail for like 10,500). There was some really good deals on the used bikes too. I noticed that a lot of the prices on the http://www.ridemotorcyclesinc.com/ website seem higher than what I saw the other day. I bet the deals at ORDN sponsors are excellent also considering the weather. Good luck on your search for a new bike.
  18. I hope this makes the BMW S1000RR a more popular choice for first time riders. I'd like to get a rebuilt titled one this summer.
  19. Went to walmart this morning in the Z around 6 am before there was any snow. Finished my grocery shopping around 7am and it was like a blizzard. I can confirm that sports cars handle well on snow.
  20. I just decided that for the next date, I will arrive about 2 hours late. :-) thanks to everyone for all the ideas and suggestions.
  21. Ok, so everytime i've went out with a certain female, it seems like the time to wait on her to get ready increases. The 15 minutes of the first date has gradually extended to almost 2 hours for tonight. ( I'm waiting right now actually.) She's always fun and is very sexy, so I don't want to ruin it, by saying, "hurry the fuck up." what should I do?
  22. alienpi

    Eating Alone

    Order a small dinner for your invisible friend across from you. Ask your "invisible friend" why she is not hungry, and snack on her meal. Acting a little crazy is always fun! If I'm riding and in my black leather suit, I enjoy suiting up (must have helmet and gloves on also) and rushing out of the restaurant like it's an emergency. It never hurts to have an alarm on your watch to go off and beep all the while rushing through the restaurant. After getting out to my bike, I wait for a black secret-service looking automobile to follow out of the parking lot.
  23. I got 2 weeks off of work starting on the 23rd! I'm glad I discovered this thread. I can add murder some prostitutes to my list of things to do.
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