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Posts posted by Monstrosity

  1. What help was Akron P.D. suposed to be? I know cops are good for banging strippers, but that obviously isn't the case. There is nothing for them to do. She is an adult runaway, not missing. She has every right to leave with the kid. She can prove that the kid came from her. It is more difficult proving it came from him. The moral of the story is Keep Your Dick Out Of Strippers!! You start out paying to see it, and you end up paying to get rid of it!

    When you just vanish and the day prior everything was ok (the money hadnt been discovered missing till Sat) people tend to worry. Her father, friends, etc. She told no one. Then on top of that your kid has your last name and your name is on the birth certificate you'd think you had some rights. Little did we know...

  2. Sure, I had milk and OJ for breakfast today and have been farting all morning. That was a bad decision. Supporting a stripper and her baggage, then proceeding to knock her up. That is kinda beyond a "bad decision"

    Perspectives may very. If I had your morning I would look at is funny and not a bad decision. If it werent for his kid I'd give him a week or so to sulk and then rag on him till he'd probably want to punch me. Only point Im trying to make its always easier for someone else to say what should be done or that they would never be in that situation. Prime example was during 911. I heard people constantly say "no way I wouldve let those planes crash into the towers, I would take some stitches over letting that happen". Very easy for people to say that werent on those planes. Back on point sure its easy for me to say I'd never let that happen.

    Sucks for your buddy sucks even more for the kids. I hope they are able to find her and get custody before she does to much damage.

    Exactly, shes turned out to be more of a loose cannon than anyone thought.

    The owner Hans use to work at the old jerry ferrel before it turned into rick rousch. He is a good guy I use to ride with him back in the day. And brookpark has nothing worth going to look at imo.

    Hans is a great guy. I let him use 2 of my bikes to r&d pipes for.

  3. :( I've not crossed that off my bucket list

    my roommate just nailed an ex stripper, but she was no Hustler Club girl...more like Brookpark Rd stripper material :lol:

    I just threw up in my mouth! I left HMF a few years back and stopped at some hole. One decent blond if your drunk and the rest were grizzlesloughts.

  4. Managed to burn the hell out of my hands yesterday to the point I almost went to the ER and had to cancel my work trip this week.

    This = major fail :D that sucks. Last year around this time I burnt my leg riding a 2smoker with shorts on.

  5. Now that I know the story, nevermind.

    Not the thread I thought it was... SOrry buddy.

    It is what it is. I woulda never kept the skanky tramp around. Poor judgement on my buddies part. Hard lesson learned I guess. If she wouldve ran off and no children were involved this would be a whole different story. I'd tell him thats what you get and probabbly make fun of him (after a few weeks).

  6. Oh come on!
    you cant regret it if you dont do it
    These are not the lol's we were looking for
    I can't fap to this
    you're not going to make me recreate the thread from memory are you?

    post the pics without any context whatsoever, or I'll repost your original post and then get super haxx0r ringo on the job of finding pics of this stripper baby thief or whatever she was supposed to be.

    ...i'm just kidding, i wouldn't do anything like that. but i still recommend you post pics anyway. haha


  7. Alright hell with it... I went to bed pissed about it and am still pissed about it. I'm going to clean it up a bit and take out a lot of the detail from the original.

    Longggg story short...

    A good friend of mine has been with this former stripper for 3 years. She has a 3 year old from another guy and they have a 1 year old. She hasnt worked since they got together. My buddy paid for everything.

    Last Thursday she turned up missing. Due to no help from the Akron PD my buddies and I took matters into our own hands and found her. She took the kids and ran off to FL to be with some guy she met off Face Book. She covered a lot of her tracks but not all of them... Her dad who she was currently living with until my buddy and her got a place together. Called the car in stolen. They got the car but did not get her...

    My buddies in shock over all this. They were fine last Wednesday night while she was at his place. Then poof gone... It turns out she stole $600 bucks from his house. This is what she used to get down to FL She took none of her personal belongings, nor any of her childrens.

    My better half and I would watch the kids and she was constantly buying toys/cloths/misc for the kids. A custody battle is about to start and I dont think she knows it. Granted I have a feeling shes going to try and continue to run. Moral to the story "dont try to make a whore a housewife".

    I dont have any pics, when this is done if he has any "good pics" I'll get them and throw them everywhere.

  8. Quite generous, since in my opinion, retail comes from a bike shop, with an inspection, repairs, and a warranty. For what it's worth...

    Overly generous, I would never pay retail from a private owner. If that bike was mint and I really wanted it 3500 at best. That means everything is tip top, never dropped, all stock, with like new Pilot Powers. But more than likely 2800 to 3. I think I'll call him tomorrow and offer him 2K.

  9. Some people think shit is worth gold.

    PS: Not saying that bike is shit, just using the analogy.

    Couldnt have said it better myself. I was even generous with the Retail cost.

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