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Everything posted by garysol1

  1. Rolling burnouts on the limiter FTW.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tqgHtjXD9j8
  2. I read your thread title then saw your avatar.....Camel love Actually awesome news! Great job you guys are doing out there. 100% support from this house but just keep that camel toe to yourself.
  3. Glad it worked out. Imaging if you were a few hundreds mile away!!
  4. from everything I have read......I want one
  5. I'll pm you in the AM and we can figure whee to meet up
  6. A job for tomorrow..... After a ride
  7. Brand new 0 mile Dunlop's already on her She is a 98. No pics yet but hopefully you will see her in person soon!!
  8. Joe Rocket Manta Tail bag as seen in the pic below. Attaches with velcro that wrapes under the passenger seat on most 2 piece seats. $25.00 pick up only or I can meet you if your close to Avon......Looks like new. One ride old.
  9. She is gone I cold have sold her for a bit more than I did but I broke even so I feel good about. My new Viffer is already in the garage
  10. Ok.....So I met the buyer of my RC51 today at the Ohio Michigan border as he was driving down from the Upper Peninsula area. I had gotten to the rest area about 30 minutes early so I surfed the web a bit on my phone and kept going back to that VFR in Columbus. I decided that was the bike I wanted. I decided I preferred the pre Vtec model due to the cheaper maintenance costs and no abruptness when the vtec kicks in and out. So after the buyer shows up we get his trailer loaded up and he hands me a wad of 100's. I was now a buyer On the way home I figured I may as well run by Honda East in Toledo as it is ALMOST on the way home. I stroll in there and ask "Do you have any Gen 5 VFR's? He gave me a blank look...... So I said do you have any clean used 98-02 VFR's and he says matter of fact we just traded one in a few days ago. He shows me to there used bike building and there sits an almost immaculate bright red 98 VFR800 F.I. with a Two Bros pipe. After a quick inspection I noticed that the bike had brand new Sportmax tires and fresh oil change. I kept thinking this was just meant to be.....here I was with money in hand and the bike was lusting after just happened to fall in my lap with a deal better than anything I have seen on Ebay or Craigslist. 30 minutes after getting there I was loaded up and heading home. The salesman said it was his quickest sale ever. Ill get snap a few picks tomorrow.....
  11. Nope.....But it looks like its twin down to the exhaust. Identical bike with only 11k on the odometer
  12. I'll tell the story when I get back home..... 5th gen VFR
  13. The RC has been delivered and I have my new bike on the back of the truck vrooooooom
  14. nice!! thanks for posting them!
  15. Plus I love the green that the Sprint was available in ....
  16. You can read till your blue in the face and you can read opinions all day long but until your butt is in the seat it is nothing but words. Like I said I think 3 years ago the RC would have been no problem but now it is. The one biggy I did not take into account was the lack of ANY turns up here. I have never had a motorcycle since living here so I guess I never really noticed it. I could have handled the discomfort if there was a payoff more than once a month when I would have time to go south to some twisties. I know you weren't hating.....no probs!!
  17. It will be FI and gear driven.....nice combo.
  18. I had seen this one but forgot about it. I do like this one....
  19. My modest budget will just get me into 05 or an 06. There is 07 on Craigslist with super low miles and the RWB paint but it is just out of my range. I do have an email out to him anyway though.....
  20. So I am looking at bikes to replace the RC. My main object of desire right now is the VFR800 from 1999 through 2006. I am also looking at Triumph Sprints. So far these are my two primary choices. Anyone have any other bikes of this type that they can personally recommend?? I want a sporty bike with good wind protection and comfortable ergo's. What says you Ohio Riders......
  21. I have been "looking" at this http://cleveland.craigslist.org/mcy/1697475781.html Pretty sure I may as well just mail my license back to the DMV.....
  22. No, The guy is from the Michigan U.P. He will be down tomorrow to pick her up.
  23. Deposit on the RC51........ Time to find the next bike....
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