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Everything posted by GregoR6

  1. Thanks! Its always nice to have an extra set of fingerprints on a weapon.
  2. RIP little one. To think I almost bought my 4 year old niece one this past Christmas.
  3. GregoR6

    father's day

    I always get dad something I can use. "I don't know where this came from, but you can have it"....Thanks Dad!
  4. Where you going? I need to be back at the house at 2pm.
  5. Awesome. You didn't want to ride anyway. Too many bugs out now.
  6. I'll get some pics for you the next time a truck comes in that runs Rotella.
  7. I've seen (and smelled) what Shell Rotella does in a diesel engine. I would NOT want that in a bike.
  8. I was at work and rode to lunch once, during the ride my work boot lace got wrapped around the gear shift. I pulled into the Wendys parking lot, went to put my stand down and "Oh noes!" I knew it was going over. I jumped off and in mid-air the shifter un-tied my lace, I got my footing and was able to save the bike from being dropped by less than 2 inches. I checked around to see if anyone saw me. Nope...I thought. I go in and the boy behind the counter with a big smile says "that was pretty ninja" I say "yeah, too bad its a Yamaha...I'll have a..." I tuck all my laces in now.
  9. I always hear banjos. CBR dude and I will have great man sex together, unless he's not as rich and hot as I hope he is, then we are just friends. and I thought it was an orange ultra classic or electrica glide...friend of a friend..
  10. I wanted to go, I thought it was next weekend..
  11. Night Train is the first and only HD I ridden, I guess thats why I like them..idk.. It has to be murdered out, none of that lava red sunglow BS.. Don't get me started on dirt and dual sports.
  12. and shes rich and will buy me a new S1000rr, a busa , a new ZX10R, a Hardley Night Train..
  13. Last season I would often hear/see a black CBR running down my road. It sounds like he lives about 1/2 a mile from me, I hear him slow down but I don't hear him turn off down the other roads... It has what looks like a Yoshi exhaust, maybe blue neon style lights. Last season, I made some pathetic attempts to catch up to him in my truck, as it takes too long to gear up. So, today I hear him. I hear him slow down. The usual, no "turning off" like he is taking one of the other roads. So I make a mad rush to throw my gear on, in the process breaking the button on my helmet strap, and snagging my tarp with my swing arm spool, ripping the tarp. I haul ass down the road. Yet again, I don't find him. I needed gas so I take the "long cut" to the gas station, then cruise back the same way. I put all my stuff away and then I hear the bike again. Hes going towards (his house?) again.. I think maybe he seen/heard me cruise by twice looking for him and tried to chase after me. So I hopped in the truck again and cruised down the road.....NOTHING. There are 3 houses I think he may be at, but I don't need shot or raped (you ever been to Marengo? peoples is krazy!) so I'm not gonna knock on doors. I thought about leaving my bike out front for a bit so he knows where I am, but my neighbors would probably steal it and turn it into some sort of tractor or well pump or sheep holster I guess this should be in the "missed connections" side of Craigslist. I live southeast of the middle of nowhere, so having another sportbike rider down the street to ride with would kick so much ass. (I'm a lot a bit drunk now, so maybe not that much ass..) Soooo, thoughts to find CBR dude?? OR if you are that CBR dude, where the F you at?
  14. He rolls up on a 2010 Mineral Silver Metallic.... That weak burn out is done on a 2011 Light Grey Metallic... Maybe they have an S1000rr for sale that has been dropped??..
  15. I wonder if the arm malfunctioned causing him to wreck..suckage It would be a lot better thread if the story was of the arm randomly fapping him....or better yet, other people.
  16. I like the way these handle on the street....I might be interested.. I wont need tires for a while though....hmmm
  17. I never said names, I keep my clients secret......
  18. http://ohio.backpage.com/ edit: this would probably be better for some of you.. lol http://ohio.backpage.com/TranssexualEscorts/
  19. Probably the wrong VIN anyways....
  20. "Dispatch this is unit xxx, in pursuit of two bikers...not sure what type of bikes they are on....can't see what they are wearing....I'm guessing they are male...I can't see the color of the bikes or their gear...can't make out a plate number...oh shit they made me wreck...they are laughing at me now...I think its two males....probably with some type of gear on...the bikes are loud, but not too loud....dispatch, is their anyone in today that can help me cover up my fuck up?!?...I think this biker bullshit will fly....did I say its sportbike riders or harley riders?..I mean whichever makes people more sympathic towards me"
  21. GregoR6


    http://nashville.craigslist.org/mcy/1841276103.html http://milwaukee.craigslist.org/mcy/1849294028.html http://sanantonio.craigslist.org/mcy/1786757102.html http://orlando.craigslist.org/mcy/1772760608.html
  22. GregoR6

    need help

    146 dollars?!?! I'd be making my own.. Put this bearing Inside this piece of pipe The snap ring keeps the bearing from falling all the way inside the pipe. Build it just like the hinge in your link and weld whatever you want to it...for a lot cheaper
  23. Ever since I first saw this, I worry... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D96QM-lzLM8 Even if the handlebars did lock, they could roll the front wheel onto a skateboard and roll away..
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