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Everything posted by wagner

  1. That is one of the things I love about road or oval racing, the chess match on adjustments. You can have all the money in the world and the best equipment, but that does not help you make a car go faster. It applies to drag racing too, people throw qubic dollars at something, yet wonder why the car just blows the tires off at the hit each time.
  2. I agree, but my drag racing background does not when it comes to tinkering with physics. If it were that easy any joker could get a drag radial car down the track without putting the car on the bumper, blowing the tires off, or doing duribility testing on roll cages. I don't look down my nose at any form of racing, because none of it is easy. You are fighting man, machine, and the conditions around you to win or beat a time. One of the coolest things to see is a good dirt track team trying to sort a car out. Watching them take a car that pushes like a dump truck, and make it work anywhere on the track is amazing.
  3. Same thing happend to me after I got hit last year. After about the 3 or 4th call I just started fucking with the people who called me. It became a game to see how much I could fuck with them :gabe:
  4. No, they will find a way to not like that film to, mostly because it has something to do with cars and or racing of some type. If you like "real" racing movies check out From Dust To Glory, great movie about the Baja 1000. This Rush movie looks to be along the same lines of Snake and Mongoose, and I can't wait for that movie too. Anything to do with old school racing of any type really fascinates me. Those guys could do it all (wrench, drive, tune) and they did not have any of the modern driving AIDS that most cars had. If you sucked as a drive the car did not make you better in anyway, it exposed you.
  5. Go check out CRCRC (http://www.crcrc.com) this friday at the Hilliard Fairgrounds, even more so if you want to get into racing. A 4x4 slash is a great cheap way to get your feet wet, but like real race cars it depends on how deep you want to go. I finally got my SC10 out a couple of weeks ago and did pretty well. I might hit a few outdoor tracks this summer...
  6. Thank you for stating the most obvious fact that ignores the larger problem.
  7. Liberals can't get votes or advance their agenda so you won't hear a word. Might get some article in rolling stone about it, but that's about it.
  8. Because this is columbusiknoweverythingbutstuffaboutracing.com
  9. For Fill sung to the beat of the Oompa Loompa theme Oompa loompa doompety doo I've got a perfect puzzle for you Oompa loompa doompety dee If you are wise you'll listen to me What do you get when you sex the dirty girls Eating dirty gape as an elephant eats What are you at, getting the herps What do you think will come of that Burning feels when you peeeee Oompa loompa doompety da If you wrap it up, you will not be a daddy You will live in happiness too Like the Oompa Loompa Doompety do Doompety do
  10. Could you imagine Jones and Fill doing an Ooommpaaa Looommmpaaa song?
  11. http://www.threadbombing.com/data/media/51/comemebro.jpg
  12. Well they have to sell movies to people who are not car or race fans. It sucks, but that is how it works just look at the F&F series.
  13. you got some links for diet/nutrition/meals info? I was out and about this weekend looking at some books and really did not see much i liked.
  14. This should be put on redit so it can get some good photochops.
  15. If that were my car it would not have left the shop. They did work, it did not run correctly, he should not have took it home (let alone drove it) until it was correct.
  16. So he asked to have the car fixed, car does not run right when he picks it up, drives it home anyway? Seems like there are some parts to this story missing.
  17. What kind and how much fish are you looking to move?
  18. Since this is the first event there is no baseline for ETs. There appears to be no "heads up" racing outside the grudge stuff. If you really know how to grudge race nobody should know what your car can actually run.
  19. Because they don't understand the below theory on economics:
  20. wagner

    Cars & Coffee 4/6

    Big turnout today! We are going to have to change how we park in the lot due to all the cars. The AMC people are not going to like the fact we take over every saturday :fuckyeah:
  21. ESPN bias is what's really hilarious.
  22. Well this went in an unexpected direction...
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