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Everything posted by wagner

  1. http://forgifs.com/gallery/d/85591-5/Bull_midget_matador.gif?
  2. Attack of the fucksticks, they need drug around by a neon.
  3. Maybe you can set some type of record for an old person hiking?
  4. http://i1014.photobucket.com/albums/af262/darkwater67/pink-lite-16.jpg
  5. I shoot to wound, let them do the kill shot if they wish
  6. Humor, it was attempted, but not found...
  7. That might be relivant to your whole self preservation idea. Not everybody finds you as good looking and funny as you find yourself.
  8. It is offically troll hunting season, and I gots me a new rifle
  9. Ok kids here is the deal. Word from the top is you fucksticks need to stop this bullshit now. Don't care who started it, don't care who finished it but it stops now. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns talk to Anthony or Tina. Anything less than full compliance will lead to you e-Beheading and removal from the site. Any bullshit response to this from the offending parties and you will be banned until Anthony decides to let you back on. If you have a problem with any of this please do the following: 1. Go fuck yourself with some barbed wire. 2. Log out Thanks and have a great day!
  10. The organizers issued a public call for photographers and videographers to document the event, and the inevitable arrests (watch below). They broke the law, tried to make a big deal out of it, fuck them. People like this are the reason your "freedoms" are being taken away. They are the same fucks that complain about EVERYTHING and try to find shit wrong to bitch about. They remind me of the causeheads in PCU. Throw meat at them and call it a day
  11. wagner

    Saturday Racing

    Every chance I get to go, this shit happens. The tracks have to be taking a beating to the bottom line this year. I can't get off work to come out due to short staffed
  12. Looks like it had a little work done to it..... http://gonedragracing.com/gallery/albums/sitepics/1_gdr2011/ultimate_outlaws/milan/Milan-Ultimate-Outlaw-Shootout-2011-181.jpg Other great pics http://gonedragracing.com/gallery/thumbnails.php?album=349
  13. wagner

    Saturday Racing

    Well now they are calling for heavy rain and strong storms. I really don't want to deal with that noise at the track.
  14. Lane Bryant, better selection for someone my size.
  15. wagner

    Saturday Racing

    Just one to put some charcole in, that is it. Bring your own stuff to drink and toss on it.
  16. This shit is like watching a bunch of band geeks try to fuck. It is not even funny stuff that is the sad thing.
  17. Looks like you are banned from this thread, with moar to come :dumb:
  18. Recreation of witness elimination http://www.threadbombing.com/data/media/2/1280741354678.gif
  19. Anthony comes back to BC and I standing over the burning remains of the website, we point to each other and say "he did it".
  20. Trips because the day of judgment is upon us!
  21. I won't even talk about the things Brian Carter does, he can make the devil himself cover his poophole.
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