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Everything posted by wagner

  1. Yeah I am getting tired of complaining about these two. Spam or whatever your name is cut the bullshit and do a better job acting like a site sponsor. AJ stop being a fucking tool (if that is possible )
  2. Storms are a commin kids...
  3. Problem is the track and racing starts in the morning,otherwise I would be ib it.
  4. Weather is supposed to be as bad tomorrow, I give up...
  5. I guess they are racing tomorrow too, need to check the forecast. We are all at cars and coffee birching about this shit. Weather killing plans to race again.
  6. Well looks like mother nature does not like racing maybe another time...
  7. Sitting here at cup o joe guess we can call beforehand. Fuck this whoreface weather in its ducking ass
  8. Sitting here waiting for it to open
  9. When you post a giant troll face that causes a viewing problem for the site, that is what happens. This thread is a great example of why I will not post appearance mods (if I do any) to my car on here. To many people with to many different tastes...
  10. No worries, they changed the forecast yet again and it is going to rain. I am willing to bet it will be a delayed start. We might want to call before we roll out to be sure. They changed the forecast again last night and it made me a bit worried.
  11. When a troll reads something on the internet, they think it is true and worthy of use for trolling. I wonder how many of those are straight up race cars? Texas speed has a 9 second heads cam intake car, but it ain't no street car... Have fun trolling a car site, I am going racing.
  12. Track is about 45ish from columbus and they follow NHRA rules. From what JJ said they won't toss you, just ask you to slow down
  13. Bunch of us are going to pacemakers to race. Marion had "TBA" on the website so we had to plan something else.
  14. Looks like we will be leaving C&C around 9 or so
  15. wagner


    Might be out later to make sure everything is right and tight with the car before I go racing saturday.
  16. Nice edit, would be a shame if the original post and all of the glory it gave us comes back...
  17. http://www.ebaumsworld.com/video/watch/81619037/
  18. Deer god you need to get that thig to 60' better. You are giving away soooo much right there.
  19. I love my GM, but the new mustang's are very nice. They are a very nice car overall if you want something that drives nice, goes fast in a straight line, or can dice up the twisty tracks. After Brady took me for a few passes down the track I was sold, after he pulled a 12.06 with few mods I was really sold. Downside, it would suck to drive in the snow.
  20. You just want to meet up at C&C for a few then roll out?
  21. Have him make a craigs list m4m ad, that always seems to work...
  22. Waiting on the final word what time the gates open. Might have to leave a little sooner than I thought.
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