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Everything posted by wagner

  1. http://www.threadbombing.com/data/media/3/tumblr_l0h0ixkkYO1qzgcjvo1_400.jpg
  2. Dude VTEC is no joke on kill mode, the VTEC on my element actually killed and ate a very nice old lady.
  3. I hate to tell you but ALL companies that build cars have issues like this. I am willing to bet that they know there will be an issue and just let it roll based on how bad it is. The fix is typically in the form of a recall. Toyota just happens to have a very bad issue.
  4. 404 funny not found... Big bird = Giant Eagle
  5. I will bring the Mac Salad, the best that walmart or big bird has to offer
  6. http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d178/lt1wagner/catcar.jpg
  7. Well my dumbass did not realize that the pay per view was live at 1pm. So I already know the results and I went 2 for 3 and the one I missed shocked me...
  8. I am saying there is no way they could have that done in time for the start of the season.... that and some dumbass on here would think it is real
  9. It seems like they are working towards that. You could see Penn, GSP, and maybe Silva all bump up weight classes.
  10. You forgot the hard stares and fist pumps
  11. Hendo thought his value was more than what the UFC did. He is now the now the Mike Phelps of the special olympics. I like Hendo but he should have ate his pride and stayed in the UFC. Silva has trouble against good wrestlers that can take him down and I don't think that will happen here. If Silva ends up on his back with Maia in his guard he could be in some trouble, if Maia gets in his half guard he will be in serious touble.
  12. You can hire Howard and I to get it for you. Think of us as the C- Team Maybe we could get Brian Carter to play the role of Mr T.? But if you do have all of that documentation and tried to be civil about it, I would get the law in on this.
  13. Do you have proof the stuff is yours? Do you have proof you have tried to contact? If so I would think you could go to Johnny Law and have them give you a hand in getting your stuff back. Or hire the A-team
  14. Middleweight Championship bout: Anderson Silva © vs. Demian Maia I am not an Anderson Silva nut swinger, but if Maia can't get this fight to the ground in a legit way he is going to get picked apart. Silva is one of the best counter strikers in the game and looks like a ghost in there sometimes (see forest griffin fight). Maia = top shelf jitsu and if this fight goes to the ground it could be much closer than the experts predict. Wagner's Throat Punch Prediction: Silva wins and he is going to try to get a finish here. Lightweight Championship bout: B.J. Penn © vs. Frankie Edgar This could be the biggest threat to Penn in a while. Edgar is a really good wrestler and has some good hands. Will it be enough to defeat Penn? No but it will not look like the past couple of fights where Penn has mauled people. Side note: My sister was a trainer where Edgar went to college, good wrestler but very very very dumb and in her words " acts like one of those d-bags on jersey shore". Wagner's Throat Punch Prediction: Penn wins and could go all 5 Welterweight bout: Matt Hughes vs. Renzo Gracie Renzo Gracie might have the honor of putting Hughes into retirement. Hughes did beat Royce Gracie but that was when Gracie should have stayed out of the cage. Renzo Grazie of course has world class jitsu and loads of experience. The question is can he overcome the angry hillbilly factor that Hughes brings to the cage? Hughes is no joke but his age and ring wear might be a factor here. Wagner's Throat Punch Predicton: I am going with the upset and pickign Hughes. I like the old school guys and who can hate a guy who walks out to "country boy can survive?" Oh and don't forget Strikeforce has a fight on the 17th on CBS. Two reasons to watch that: 1. Dan Henderson could knock Shields into a different time zone 2. In the light weight fight you could see the first televised compound fracture since LT snaped Joe Thiseman's leg like a pencil.
  15. I have a similar issue with a former sponsor on here that I need to address. Keep it private but make them aware it is about to become not so private if they do not fix things. Then write a non jerry springer review in the consumer reports section and be done with it I could actually show up to my persons place of work and have them canned but I am not going to take it to that level yet.
  16. PM me what you want to bring then I will grab something else. This might end up being a last minute thing for me so I am looking for something that can be grabed at giant eagle as I am on my way
  17. Let me help you put your mouse over teh picture a tab will show up that says "share" click onthat and get to where it shows "more options" and there is an option for sharing on message boards that uses tags. then your pictures will show up like this: http://i900.photobucket.com/albums/ac209/fas90stang/90%20grabber%20blue%20532/droid066.jpg Nice ride details on what is in it?
  18. Photobucket and post links = issue solved.
  19. wagner


    This is not going to end well...
  20. I have seen them run at other tracks without issue. You might want to contact trails and see what they say.
  21. I actually just called and am going to relay all the info to my dad.
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