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Posts posted by wagner

  1. It's all about the EV, right down to the new logo :lol:


    I know someone who recently left the company that worked in the performance area because the writing was on the wall.


    It's going to be interesting to watch this whole EV thing unfold across the board. The government is all about EV rape, I would buy stock in utility companies now because they're going to be getting piles of cash soon.

  2. What about mainstream media and it's spread of misinformation? I don't trust information I get from anyone these days. I no longer watch the news for anything other than the weather.....and even the weather can be misinformation haha. Wish there would be just one credible source of unbiased reporting out there....I would like to know the news but I want the actual news. Not someone's opinion of the news.


    I stopped watching the news, especially the nightly news, and anything on cable, that's the real trash.


    I look at reuters.com or The Economist for news. When it comes to weather, I just take what they say and cut it in half, because it's all about clicks.

  3. My personal account of 11+ years was shut down 6-7 months ago for no apparent reason. Literally went to sign in and it said my account was suspended. I tried to get access to it again and FB said nope. Ended up creating a new account literally for sales of parts but honestly ive been seriously considering closing that account. I very rarely look at it anymore.


    Dealing with them is just terrible. I had to fight them for over a year about posts we made for SpeedVideo that they said violated the TOS. Post taken down, I filed an appeal, they would put post back up.


    The only thing they've improved is the intellectual property theft reporting system. They actually enforce their own rules now.

  4. I'm not a paranoid type of person, but there is something very strange going on with social media right now, specifically Facebook.


    I know several people in the aftermarket industry that have had their personal accounts shutdown, been blocked from posting in groups, or both here in the past week. These aren't crazy left wing or right wing people, hell they mostly just post car/pet/family stuff if anything.


    We're also seeing our magazine Facebook pages get hit with restrictions due to them "violating community standards". These are Facebook pages that have done nothing to violate anything.


    I'm seeing the same thing from other people in the industry having pages get hit that really don't go anywhere crazy at all or don't post much.


    My theory based on my expereince running social media accounts professionally for the past 4 years is that Facebook is REALLY messing with stuff right now. This happens every time they try to tweak the algorythm or alter what you see in your news feed. We saw this when they went after "fake news", but nothing to this level.

  5. Something interesting to add to how the stimulus effects people especially on the low end of life. Since I live at North Myrtle Beach I know a ton of people who work in the restaurants and a lot of the work I do is in restaurants or hotels around here. Last march/april through July most places couldn't get anyone to come to work if they wanted to be open here. They had pissed off employees if they stayed open and really rich ones if they laid them off. This is verified, I literally live in the middle of were the locals live and everyone around me all summer were buying cars, upgrading their properties with above ground pools etc.


    I don't know how to feel about it though, I know what my brain tells me. The people I'm talking about are lucky to make $200-300/week during the tourist season. Lets add that up real quick, your used to getting say $250/week so now your getting $850/week or $3400/month and you were on it from lockdown to July 31st so you earned $13600 when had your job remained normal you would have earned $4000 during that same time period. My brain says WTF!!! And they got the one time stimulus payment $1200 for an individual I think it was? So about $15000. This number doubles for a married couple who both worked as wait staff, very common here.


    My facebook is full of my neighbors and the ones that worked through it were pretty annoyed that others got to go out and buy shit like its Christmas every week. I have my own little company so I could have stayed home and claimed unemployment for myself, but I elected to continue working. That worked out fine for me in that I was able to get a lot of work due to the other contractors in the area taking unemployment. This boosted my stats on the platforms big time and I was busy all summer and fall with no one else in the region to take work and I got to make the schedules and get it done.


    Before my wife was let go she couldn't get people to work as a recruiter. They flat told her they would make more on unemployment so why work?


    There's a lot wrong at the core level of society that can't be legislated away with a higher minimum wage. I had an interesting talk with my CEO about UBI, AI, and minimum wage. Raising the minimum wage is going to kickstart a crazy set of events that a lot of people aren't ready for. Honestly, I'm for it because I'm willing to work my ass off and I know I'll find a way to be rewarded.

  6. Hi - I’ve been shut down since March 13th. Projected to re-open of large capacity venues is summer of 2022....


    Well, you'll have plenty of time to think about how you will deal with the new $15 min wage and its consequences. So, that's a good thing right?

  7. Trump caused a lot of confusion over the $600 stimulus bill. It was passed as part of the general annual appropriations bill.


    Here's some background.


    Now that's interesting, most news outlets didn't report it that way and the majority of people saw it as an all in one deal.


    That being said, it still brings to light how billions of dollars of our money is being spent. Was all that really needed right now, to me it doesn't seem very smart.


    It is what it is, all I can do is voice my thoughts on it in the voting booth, which I will do yet again when the time comes around.


    In other news, anybody on the southside/grove city/obetz area been hearing all of the jet activity at night? This isn't commercial stuff and they're flying low enough I hear them over the TV.

  8. https://www.axios.com/biden-covid-package-progressive-wish-list-3e58cfa2-b16f-4262-8e98-46c80e5f4cea.html


    I've trusted Axios news for the last 4+ years, and this article is a quick but good read.


    I'm upset by all this government spending, but I have to say aside from stimulus checks, PPP and Cares Act/Main Street Lending programs, there definitely is a significant portion of the paycheck-to-paycheck population that's gotten worse by the shutdowns. Trump's spent over $4 Trillion in pandemic response. We need another $2 TRILLION under Biden...and even he says 'that's not enough'??


    When are we going to REOPEN BUSINESSES? I'm not talking WalMart and Kroger, but local restaurants and stores???


    Of course there are still going to be problems, but we have to move forward through this......and it's not on the back of continued government spending. Once we roll out more of the vaccine to the general population, it's time to reopen and put personal responsibility back in the hands of the people. (Scary concept for gubmint, I know) :lol:



    The pork in the $600 check bill has been looked over and justified. Just think if all that money was actually used to help people in America?

  9. 1) You have to schedule a peaceful protest in a public gathering place. That was done in DC, and Trump was there.

    2) When Trump spoke to the protesters, he said that the landslide election he won was stolen, that history will remember strong patriots, and everyone should march over to the Capitol where they're certifying fraudulent votes. Show of strength.

    3) People...now, a mob...went over to a lightly-guarded Capitol building, walked through closed sessions of government, and threatened/assualted cops and employees while they were working.


    Whether the Capitol "march" was planned weeks in advance is irrelevant: Trump got people fired up with lies and they marched on good faith to the Capitol that they would be heard.


    Chaos ensued. Trump is responsible.




    "Trump incited the violence" but also "the attack on the capitol was planned weeks in advanced". Well which one is it? Doesn't matter, impeached within hours without any hearings.


    I found this entertaining. They wanted their little show, they got it, now they'll have to live with the future consequences this will bring.


    Additional humorous outrage: People getting big mad over the troops sleeping in the capital building. Tim Kennedy had a great post about this, and he knows a thing or two about how soldiers live, and have been treated by some of the nutty left/progressives.

  11. Trump failed at getting the corrupt career politicians out....oh well, let's hope Beijing Biden, the plagiarist, the liar, the racist, the corrupt, the creep will do better. Fingies crossed!


    Never said I liked the guy, but he's the captain meow.


    It's scary people forgot about the plagiarism and racist stuff he said....


    Now, let's talk about this sandbar more, will there be booze and grilled meat?

  12. I knew there was a reason we were friends. 100% agree with everything said here


    You're muh boi blue.


    It costs you nothing to be a good human, people have really lost sight of that. I don't agree with everything people say, but I'm not an overbearing asshole about it.


    I'm glad Trump is gone, he's a failed experiment in having a non-political person try to run a country. He thought he was the smartest person in the room and didn't surround himself with people that helped him, even if he did I don't think he would have listened.


    Now we get to see if Biden can bring us back onto the road without going to far to the left.

  13. ITT: Both sides are bad, neither side is better, but the libs are definitely the worst.


    SOME of the libs are the worst, sort of like SOME of the right-wing nut jobs are the worst. Part of the issue is both parties have allowed the loudest and craziest part of their cults to take the message over and people think it's the message, things spiral out of control from there.


    I like guns, I think people should be able to marry whoever they want and be treated as equals, I think if you want to get the old coat hanger shuffle to not have a baby you should be able to, and if you come to this country illegally you need to be taken back home like a lost puppy.


    Elected officials are all about power and they are going to do whatever they can to keep their power and keep their party in power, customers be dammed.

  14. I think that's something being lost in all this. One isn't better or worse than the other. They're both stupid and uncalled for yet both sides try to justify their own stupidity by pointing out the stupidity of the other. Why can't they both just be wrong?


    Because the left/right is morally, ethically, and intellectually superior to everyone. If you don't align EXACLTY with what they think you're the one with the problem.


    I think the entire situation is fucked and you have people on both sides that just want to say "well, look what they did" and not realize the side they support is just as bad. You can't reason with that, you're always going to be wrong.


    I find the conditioning and dog-whistle words that each side uses interesting. People don't even see it happening, they just cheer for their side like a drunken college football fan as the puppet masters pull the strings.

  15. Coyote swap, use one from a Mustang, stay away from the F150 engines since they're different.


    It comes down to budget really. You can buy what they use in Coyote Stock, you'll just need an ECU and harness.




    You can buy a long block from someone like MMR or another Coyote engine builder and then buy one of the Holley Terminator systems that are specifically made for a Coyote/Fox swap.


    You're going to pay 2-4K for a transmission so just be ready for that.

  16. I don't agree in any way with what was done on Jan 6, but I just don't understand how Libs can absolutely overlook the destruction that took place in 2020???

    I'm glad these people are being prosecuted, and I think more people should have been this past summer. You're telling me that illegal actions are justified by the cause? These days the "cause" is usually based on immediate social media rhetoric, as opposed to proven fact.

    I'd rather see the capital building stormed any day, rather than see hard working citizens loose there businesses to looting, destruction and fire. There were "occupations" of city sectors, local and federal buildings destroyed, city monuments and statues destroyed, and many people killed on each side.

    I've yet to see a democrat speak about these issues aside from claiming that racism etc.. can't be compared to whatever the Trumpers feel they've been wronged about.


    So, your beliefs justify this destruction, but the beliefs of others do not?


    Again, to qualify this, I do not agree with what was done, and I don't believe they represent the majority of the conservative party, but the hypocrisy of the party taking power is just as frightening as the one exiting.


    Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using Tapatalk


    I'm right there with you, pretty much the entire silent majority is. It's like watching a bunch of drunk college sports fans yell at each other.


    Now, what's going to be interesting is when the whole "ban/censor them because their language caused destruction" logic gets tossed at the BLM/ANTIFA/ACAB people. The CEO of GAB allegedly has a website/database he's going to bring online just from Twitter alone.


    It's sad I have to say this again, but I don't support the people who trashed caused the issues on January 6, however, those who are pushing for the censorship better be ready for the cam of worms they've opened.

  17. Serious question:


    Will you now support Biden as your President?


    Yep, he gets an equal shot in my eyes to do his job like any other leader. Same way I supported Trump until he turned out to be a fucktard supreme.



    Full disclosure: I haven't watched a single bit of the news or video on this (been working), but has their been any actual violence? All I keep seeing are photos posted of a bunch of rednecks walking around with their flags, snapping selfies, and sitting in other people's offices.


    Honest question; what was the violence? What are people doing besides trespassing on federal grounds?


    They broke stuff and stole a podium, really gnarly I tell you.

  18. The only thing those idiots might have accomplished today is letting the politicians remember that they aren't untouchable.


    They need that reminder at the voting booth too. People should be storming the capital over the COVID spending bill, not the election.


    The Handmaids Tale is almost coming to life :lolguy:

  19. I understand this - I make too much to qualify for the personal checks. I didnt get anything last round, which didnt matter to me. This round had specific provisions for the entertainment industry. Thats why it matters to me. Ill get some PPP money for the management business and ill get some grants for the live production business. The amounts are based on up to 45% of 2019 revenue and if the grants are "free money" by all means, ill apply for it. Ive been able to float myself this year without income until I closed a few big deals this month, but overall its been awful for this industry, possibly more so than any other industry. It will allow me to rebuild, rehire, hire and retain people to help me rebuild it. Thats the intent. Not to go buy lambos and planes like ive seen some business do haha


    Just imagine how many other businesses and industries could have been helped if this was a legit relief bill and not a spending bill.

  20. Smells like the Vegas shooter. Lots of questions, junk answers, swept under the rug.


    A former co-worker who was a Navy SEAL basically said this isn't what the media is telling you it is. I trust his take on this versus the parrots online and on TV.

  21. When I originally started The Dragzine Podcast it wasn't fully official and was a test for our company to see if we wanted to jump into this format. After I showed it could be done and was successful another magazine under our umbrella started their own video show based on what we learned with mine.


    Today my show is now "official", has gone to video as well as audio, is fully backed by the company, and will soon have advertisers. It has been awesome to take a project from concept to final product and proving it could work.


    I've got some other opportunities coming my way this year to do more on-air talent work for live broadcasts and to continue my Dragzine Track Life video series too.


    People around here used to make fun of me since I was about the racing life, now I pay my bills doing race car stuff and will be paid to go racing this year :)



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