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Everything posted by cOoTeR

  1. The courts would argue they shoulda pulled over and called police.
  2. But he never went at them with the "weapon".
  3. I never said he was the victim. I said they couldn't legally use deadly force on him.
  4. Yes he tried to kill the guy with his truck. But that was way before they stopped. The legal system will see it as they were perpetuating the situation.
  5. They approached the truck before he got out with the tire iron. Not offensive he didn't chase them when they backed up not offensive. If they shot him they would be in deep shit
  6. The first rider was well ahead and clear of the truck. He was off his bike and waiting at the stop sign. Taxed not shot not deadly force. They aren't law officers pulling him over. Prove he didn't have the tire iron to tighten down something on his load after that rough ride. Check the Ohio attorney generals website it has court cases defining a weapon. It states something along the lines of a tool is not a weapon until the person holding it attempts to use it as one.
  7. true. I don't want to catch the wrath of some wack job when they snap because several others have pissed them off.
  8. The tire iron does not become a weapon until he attempts to use it as one.
  9. After the reasonable attempt to flee the lead rider stopped and waited, no longer fleeing. The second bike followed the truck, not fleeing. Attempted to run over his bike. Deadly force cannot be used to protect property. In order to legally use deadly force you have to ne able to prove you didn't provoke or escalate the situation in any way. Running upto and opening the guys door. Stopping and standing in front of his truck preventing him from leaving. Looks like provoking / escalating to me.
  10. Don't pull your gun unless your going to use it. That's how I see it.
  11. As someone who lives on a road favored by bikers I understand the locals view. There's only so many times bikes can fly by on a reckless manner before it gets under your skin. It doesn't bother me that much but my neighbors hate it. Apparently I get the blame for all the bikes on the road. In the passed 2 years there have been 2 wrecks with 2 fatalities on the same curve a 1/4 mile from my house. Both due to excessive speed. Now what this asshole in the truck did is fucking stupid so don't think I'm siding with him. Just be aware that there are people that give us a bad name and some people hit their breaking point. A buddy of mine and his friends ride like jackasses up and down the same road a lot. They've pissed the locals off so much that they (the locals) have tried throwing stuff at them. One lady threw gravel one guy threw a football. So watch out out there.
  12. I don't think the ccw would be a good card to pull. I believe *(im not a lawyer this is my opinion)* that the legal system would say the bikers shoulda pulled over there. The one "chased" him. Then at the stop the bikers went to the truck (attack/provoke). Now if they pulled over on the spot and he also stopped then jumped out with the weapon and charged them, game on. Otherwise I'd stick to the fist fight. Just my 2 cents. What came of this?
  13. I think he put out his own torch. We just haven't made him leave.
  14. I second this. This damn site is run like a communist dictatorship! Why can't we vote people off of here?
  15. You are an asshole! At least on here. We just helped you realize it.
  16. First you can't sell critters on eBay because they don't wanna help people like you. Pretty much all I've gotten from you in this thread is cry cry cry, I'm an immature dumbass that made a decision that wasn't thought out and decided to fix this by spending more money on it. Now I really regret it and now I'm going to convince you guys to bail me out and replace my money. You all suck because you don't like me because I do dumbshit. Have you noticed how much everyone else gets along on here? With the exception of you this is a pretty cool group. With the repeated bashing of your actions you would think that one would step back and think, maybe there is a reason a majority of people dislike you. You don't fit in. Why cry about cyberwars you start? Just go away leave this place to the grown ups. Problem solved.
  17. Not going to give you shit but if your being honest about caring wanting her to have a good life go with carwhore. Chalk the money you spent up as a loss and maybe saving the dogs life will go in your good karma bank. Use it as a life lesson and move on.
  18. Sorry Tyler its hard but eventually it needs to be done. You give a pet a good life and they live longer than their bodies can withstand. It is needed at times I don't want to live long after I'm in that kind of pain. It's a hard decision to make and I'm sorry that you need to go through with it.
  19. A couple weeks ago we had to put down our cat that my fiancee had for 18 years. I know cats are not as close to people as dogs but in my opinion I felt she should be held by someone she liked. My fiancee couldn't do it so I stayed with her (the cat) and held her. First they gave her a sedative and she feel asleep in my arms and I held her the rest of the time. She went peacefully and relaxed. It was hard but I just thought that if it were me I'd want someone there with me so I did the same for our cat.
  20. cOoTeR

    Keys Programed

    Check with a car audio shop. I can't suggest any I haven't.seen any for a while. But I'd imagine anywhere that installs alarms and remote starters could do it. Just a guess that's worth a shot.
  21. Cincy, Cleveland same thing isn't it?
  22. Oh yeah I forgot in before the
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