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Everything posted by cOoTeR

  1. It's one with a motorcycle stand I believe its called an elevador lift-on (the title of the vis) sorry for the bad link.
  2. http://m.youtube.com/#/watch?desktop_uri=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D2bFrfVXusTQ&v=2bFrfVXusTQ&gl=US Or try this one
  3. How many people are going? I plan on making it.
  4. Yeah he had some great advice he taught us a head lock that was legal but you could choke em out. You just had to make sure you didn't let your opponent go all the way out.
  5. Ok so with a trip to the parts store I bought a couple taps and fixed her up. I should be there at the kroger at 1 tomorrow.
  6. It's pretty scary Doug was as tough or tougher than any guy I know even the he was elderly. I thought he'd live forever.
  7. I graduated in 04 from bc. yeah I know coach church from when he was doing monster squad at Harding. Were you at the pleasant camp when they had sergei up there over the summer. Doug coached one day and had one of the seizures where he'd pass out. The kids that didn't know him thought he was having a heart attack. It was kinda funny. Man I miss those days didn't realize how great of an opportunity it was being coached by the legends at the time. You probably know my cousin Ryan Dennis he graduated from Hayes. Your bike looks like one I looked at awhile back for sale out on 203.
  8. 48/2(9+3) 48/2(12)=48/2x12 24(12)=288
  9. Doesn't look like I'm going to make it the guy that did my powder coating messed up a lot of the threads where stuff bolts in. my bikes down for a bit. I'm pretty upset. Not anymore, I fixed it.
  10. cOoTeR

    memorial day

    Not currently but if that's what you wanna do go for it.
  11. cOoTeR

    memorial day

  12. cOoTeR

    memorial day

    I posted this up last year and didn't get any interest but I'll try again this year. Every year on memorial day the small town I grew up in has a parade, memorial/recognition ceremony for the past and present members of our armed forces. Then that is followed by a hog roast at the volunteer fire department. I would like to get a group of Ohio riders to participate in the parade. I promised my nephew he could ride on the back of my bike this year so I'm going to ride in it regardless. The ceremony takes place at the local cemetery at the end of the parade route. It's a great chance to give thanks to and be recognized as a member of the armed forces. The hog roast benefits the fire department and the food is awesome. I know a lot of people stay away from parades for fear of overheating their bikes. But this is a short route so I doubt there's anything to worry about. People come from all around to see this parade and enjoy the hog roast. If your interested in participating I believe the meeting time to be in the parade is 9am at the Baptist church in radnor (delaware county). If you want more details let me know. If anyone wants to afterwards we can do some riding.
  13. I ment like the overall ride experience, guess I shoulda specified. So you think they are worth the money?
  14. I'd in all actuality would probably stand up on the pegs begin flapping my arms like a bird in hopes of flying away. If that doesn't work id probably jump off the bike let it deal with the snake and of take my chances with the pavement at 173mph.
  15. So its just a feel type thing and doesn't really improve the ride?
  16. Work and work today and tomorrow. Lame. Hopefully re-installing my foot pegs and controls.
  17. I know there's a couple guys on here from the area and I vaguely remember someone saying they participated in the Derby at the Hartford fair in croton. They do have a compact class right? Also does anyone know what psi the fuel pump for a 98 neon runs at? I plan on building a compact car from a neon so if anyone needs some interior parts or mirrors and windows let me know. I'll sell em cheap.
  18. Ok so I'm due to change out my brake fluid and it has been suggested to me to put on steel braided lines at this time. I primarily ride on the road and rarely make it out to the track. Are the braided lines worth it? I understand they take the squishyness out of your brakes but does it increase stopping power? Thanks guys and gals.
  19. What's the point of that fold up bike? So you can keep it in the closet while your hiding in there?
  20. I may join if I get my levers and rearsets back in time. Where is everyone meeting?
  21. Ive got his number I'll tell him he should get on here tomorrow.
  22. Omg I remember when he used to coach me when I was wrestling with Marion monster squad. One day he drove from Georgia to Marion Ohio to teach a small wrestling room full of us kids. He was a great guy and taught me a lot. I /we will miss you Doug.
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