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Everything posted by cOoTeR

  1. After my research I have failed to find it, so I must admit I had misunderstood the class liquor permit stuff and I was wrong. So please allow me a chance to redeem myself. You can't carry a gun in a Verizon store, but criminals still rob them with guns.
  2. http://www.facebook.com/cOoTeR2012
  3. Um killing is in the bible. They killed Jesus, hello! Seriously I think that a good lawyer could beat this on the "in a motor vehicle" part. Yes he was on a motor vehicle but the law states "in a motor vehicle". From my understanding . The man in question was not "enclosed" in a vehicle. I believe the most this will do is change the wording of the law to include "on a motorized vehicle such as a motorcycle.".
  4. Make sure your not riding to tense also.
  5. New tires are slick. Were there any "tar snakes" on this particular turn? Those can be very slick. The tires on your bike are probably a hard compound and will not grip as well as most sport bike tires. I would have to suggest against putting your leg down in a turn that could really screw you up. Get your self some good gear helmet, boots, gloves, pants.
  6. I hit a raccoon one night it was huge. I was on my old 1400 intruder which had a lot weight so the bump wasn't to bad. Split it right in two. The worst thing I've hit was a dog turd it smelled for miles. My friend was riding beside/ behind me said he saw me hit it. He thought he was going to wear it.
  7. Carrying a gun in a holster is not inducing a panic. Holding a gun in your hand pointing it at people maybe. The way the law used to be if your in a motor vehicle the gun had to be in a holster in plain sight. I believe that a police officer would rather know you have a gun then not know so why would he ticket you for exercising your rights? Ticketing someone that has their ccw licence because their gun was visible sounds like a setup for a law suit to me.
  8. Conceal? Go ahead rock it where people can tell you have it on. The way I look at it who is going to screw with the guy carrying a hand cannon? I use my full size .45 xd as my carry gun. If I really feel like concealing it I use my tshirt holster. Its a lot like an under armor shirt with "pockets" that sit like a shoulder holster.
  9. Looks like a pancaked rabbit to me.
  10. How much do you want for the whole thing?
  11. I'm interested as soon as I finish getting moved in.
  12. Battery might need to charge up more. Also gas is a good place to start. As stated above.
  13. Lol. I thought you would remember and set it straight. Didn't mean to mess up your for sale thread if I did. Wish I had extra cash could use a back up vehicle.
  14. At the ride from iron pony past the mobile Vietnam wall to Quaker steak. I thought you said when you got home from being over seas your car wouldn't start due to you forgetting to push in the clutch. Might have been someone else. My bad.
  15. I use the Scala rider q2 radio blue tooth two way with helmet speakers I love it. The new model can do mp3s too. A little pricey but worth it especially if someone you ride with often also has the headset.
  16. Is this the car with the starting issue you talked about at the rolling thunder ride?
  17. Wtf is that? Lol. Looks sweet. How much are they? Where can you find em?
  18. Thanks man but I picked one up a while ago from a guy on here.
  19. Lol my bad i thought the speed triple was a smaller bike. Guess I should learn more about non jap bikes. Lol. I'm not really a fan of doing wheelies, that's just another way to get me in trouble. My cbr pulls pretty hard so its pretty easy to pull it up.
  20. Get a liter bike. Then you can worry about trying to keep the front wheel down instead.
  21. You will have a lot more fun on the track. I did my first track day this year it was a blast even though I laid my bike down. I got too cocky it was my fault. I would suggest meeting with someone that's been to three track you want to go to and have them help you. I think the puts would be a boring day.
  22. I recommend the ink spot in Delaware. Only place I go. Its on state route 42.
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