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Everything posted by cOoTeR

  1. I have the same model gun sitting beside my bed right now.
  2. I have the q2 I love it my girlfriend also has one.
  3. All this gun talk on here is making me want to buy more guns. I still need to buy a scope for my ar10. After that I think I'm going to buy a ruger sr9c followed by a Taurus judge.
  4. How long is this poll going to be open? Looks like no and hookers and blow have the lead. Were not going to have any Florida style recounts are we?
  5. A while back I remember hearing about a guy getting pulled over. He had a case of beer strapped in a carseat and his toddler sitting in the passenger seat with no seat belt. The guy also had been drinking I believe. Maybe this is the pick from his first trip to the store.
  6. What about the parents who would send their kids to stay with Jackson? You know the ones that knew he was a creep but sent their kids there to get molested so they could get money. Bet they would force their kids into the field.
  7. I say H+B. Yes I know it means no. Leave it the way it is censorship is for Nazi's. This is a site with a bunch people that have only riding motorcycles and arguing their beliefs towards guns and politics in common. I know I haven't been here long but in the time I have been here I've noticed that the same people that are posting a lot in the threads in question are the same ones I see when shit that matters is going on. ROC for example or max powers fathers funeral. These guys are an active part of this forum on and off the internet. Why hide their posts away as if we have a reason to hide it. We are who we are and it is what it is. I say don't try to look like we are all sweet innocent and harmless, pedofiles do that crap.
  8. I have an xd .45, I love it. It has the 1911 style safety on the back. The glock style trigger safety. A grip that's perfect for large hands but not too big for small hands. An ambidextrous mag release. The firing pin pokes out the back so you can check to see if its cocked by sight or touch. Same with the indicator that shows if a round is in the chamber that sticks out the top of the slide. It is light weight for its size. Has a rail to mount stuff on. I attached a glock light/laser to mine for when I don't use it as my carry gun. Mine came with a thumb saver loader, 2mags w/ holster, a holster and a cable lock for child safety. I have had it 4 or 5 years now without a single problem. It's design is great for point and shoot style shooting. I often carry mine or its my #2 home defence gun (second to my 870). Down side is .45 ammo is becoming pricey.
  9. If you Google midgettodd the first two results are Ohio riders. When I say Google I mean like on the computer not what fat kids do with stripers.
  10. :popcorn:Post number 5 and coming on strong.
  11. So you were the cougar bait? If yall would have caught the cougar would that make one of you a master-baiter?
  12. cOoTeR


    Costumes, letting girls dress like whores without admitting they are a whore. I love it.
  13. free/ I would use number 7 bird shot for playing around (skeet and trap) and at least 00 buck shot for home defense. Make sure you shoot both through it so you know what to expect. Remember the shorter the barrel and more open the choke the faster the pattern will spread. Great for close range bad for longer range.
  14. I suggest the 870 they are a little more than you want to spend new but you can get a used one cheap. I was going out of town for a couple days my girl friend asked if I could leave one of my guns out for her incase someone broke in. So I got the 870 with the 18in barrel and two shot extension. She said no not that one your little one (my .45). I explained it to her like this; " if you need to use this (holding up a .45 round) and you are nervous, you've got less than 1/2 an inch to hit your target. With the 12 its like chucking a basket ball at them. Even if your aim is off a little the chances of hitting an intruder are greater." She said "i don't want to shoot anyone I want to scare them away". I grabbed the 870 and racked a round into the chamber. She jumped. "i scared you didn't i?" She replied "yeah". I explained that you would have to see you with the .45 to be scared. But everyone knows the sound of a shot gun and it is scary as fuck when you hear it unexpectedly. If someone in the house hears that and doesn't leave they are planning on seriously harming you or your family and you have to shoot them. I would go with a shotgun, 12 guauge is my suggestion. At least a 16. The reason for the shot gun is its variety of ammo small bird shot, buck shot (a 3" triple ot fires 9 chunks of lead about the size of a .38 or 9mm round), slugs, rock salt and a lot of crazy less practical rounds available online. My favorite part is the ease to operate. It's so easy a caveman can do it. Lol. Pump, push, point and squeeze. Pump to cock it. Push the safety off. Point at the Target. Squeeze the trigger. In a panicked situation simple task are difficult keep it simple.
  15. I will be heading from Delaware through London to oregonia for the hill climbs. 10-10 if anyone is interested.
  16. This Sunday 10-10 I'm riding down to the hill climbs if anyone is interested.
  17. Another ex-girlfriend story. Different girl. I was 17 and dating this older girl. Her parents were out of town so we had the house to our self. We got it on in the living room it was going great but her dads chocolate lab had me nervous because he was watching. I was afraid he might attack me or even worse turn it in to a trailer park threesom. Well we finished up with no incidents. She went to the restroom, I took the condom off and set it beside the chair I sat in as I caught my breath. She came back down the hall and startled me by saying "you motherfucker". I panic thinking she's about to do some black widow shit and kill me now. I look towards the door because I'm about to run out it butt naked when I see the dog. This lab is sitting there with the condom hanging out of its mouth looking like an ethiopian that just sucked the cream filling out of a rubber twinkie. That dog was a mess its face was covered in drool and sex juice. I start laughing she gets pissed and starts yelling that if he eats that and she's got to explain to her dad why is hunting dog just shit a used condom her dad would kill us both. To make matters worse the dog thought we were playing and kept running around the house as we chased it. That dog was happy as could be running around smacking himself in the face with that sex balloon slopping jizz all over the place. We eventually caught the dog and he didn't eat the condom. I bet that would have been a site to see us running around like naked idiots chasing a dog that's trying to blow bubbles made of cock shot.
  18. This one isn't as good as inya being molested by a toddler. About 5 years ago myself and my girlfriend at the time were really gettin it on one evening. She was on her back I had both her ankles in my hands and had them over her head against the head board. All of the sudden I hear the door open. I turn and look and her 14 year old sister is standing there with a shocked look because she walked in mid thrust. So I'm sitting there like a deer in the headlights trying to think of what to say during this awkward silence. Then she says "sorry I will come back later". Shuts the door and walks out. I look back down at my girlfriend and she has her head turned to the side and her eyes closed as if she was sleeping. I asked her wtf she was doing. "i don't know, its the only thing I could think to do" she said. I guess because the only thing to make getting walked in on by her sister look better, is to make it look like I am the only one doing anything and she isn't aware of what's happening. If anyone would believe she was sleeping after walking in that would really make me look good. Like I'm the type of guy screwing sleeping chicks and I'm so bad that they don't even wake up. Awesome.
  19. Thanks dgtl grl this all happened at your local Walmart in m-ville.
  20. I was hauling it around because this was during the time when the prius throttles were getting "stuck". If I ended up in a holy crap moment I could throw it on. Not really I was in the process of moving and my bike was not being stored at my new place yet so I would have to drive my car to go get it. So I just left the riding gear in the trunk. To keep it from rolling around I would tuck it in the corner with my jacket wrapped around it in a semi circle. No I never noticed those symbols. To be honest with you I use my Droid phone to get on here and using the symbols and proper punctuation is a pain. I'm not trying to get the best grammar award on here. Sorry if you don't like my posts.
  21. About a year ago I was at wally world looking for a tv. I bought one along with some random items that I used in an attempt to make home made wine. (6 frozen grape concentrates 3 packs of yeast 3 gallons of water a pack of rubber bands and a pack of balloons.) I checked out all this in the electronics section. the girl that checked me out had also answered my questions about the tv. After paying she said if you want I can help you load it in your car. I said ok that would be nice. Although I didn't know how much help to expect due to her petite size. But it was a kind gesture so why turn it down. As we approached my car she said "wow you drive a prius?" I said yes I do. She said "thats really cool you just don't seem like the type of person that would drive a hybrid". I informed her it was to save on gas and I agreed I'm not the type of person that drives a hybrid. Then as she watched me trying to stuff the tv into my back seat my gun poked out from under my jacket and she said "is that a real gun?" I told her it was and not to worry I wasn't planning on robbing her". Then she asked if I was a cop. I told her no. At this time I'm thinking this girl asks a lot of dumb questions and I don't even know her. The tv didn't fit in the back seat so I had fold the back seats down to put it in the back hatch. It was then she saw my riding gear and said "nice helmet. You got a bike?" I told her yeah. She asked what kind. I said a cbr. She said " I love sport bikes, I've got my own helmet but nobody to let me ride on the back of their bike. At least not any more. We broke up a couple months ago." It was at this time I realized she was hinting around trying to get me to ask her if she wanted to go for a ride. I decided to just play dumb like I didn't catch the hint. I finally got the tv in the car. As I reached up to shut the trunk my gun poked out again and she said "a guy that carriesa gun and rides a motorcycle that's hot". I said "thanks". Then she kind of awkwardly stood there looking at me. So I said well I better get home before my girl friend starts to wonder where I'm at. Then she said yeah I better get back inside and turned and walked away. If I was single at the time it probably would have went differently. Then we could have had a great story about how I was at Walmart to buy a flat screen hd tv and some stuff to make hobo wine when we met. Who needs match.com when you have Walmart super center.
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