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Everything posted by cOoTeR

  1. If they are paying take it to a reputable dealership. They should have their people trained the most about your type of bike. I don't know of any motorcycle body shops.
  2. OMG never met him but from on here he sounded like a great guy. Rip. Man this makes me sad.
  3. Its from a Lewis black stand up. He says that the videos from north Korea are in black and white not because of the film but the people of north Korea are soo evil they have no color. North Korea is where the monkeys from the wizard of oz come from.
  4. Welcome to the site man sorry I haven't posted on here to welcome you yet.
  5. I have the Scala rider q2 head set has blue tooth two way and radio. The new model can hook up to mp3. I love it because the sound adjusts to wind noise so your not messing with volume controls. The speakers attach to the helmet by Velcro and you can still hear traffic. A major plus.
  6. The first word on the sign under his ass is is ease. Lol
  7. Playing leap frog with the statue ended badly for Bob.
  8. Is this mostly a rifle shoot? I won't have my308 for about a month.
  9. Yeah I like that wave 1000rr pulled. Problem is everyone else in the group bout went down because we were all laughing too hard. Also that dude on the mower about caused a few bikes to rear end each other. Lol.
  10. cOoTeR

    What a day

    Lol that probably had something to do with it.
  11. cOoTeR

    What a day

    Its held in by a hex head bolt that must have vibrated loose.
  12. Don't think were going to make this one tonight sorry guys.
  13. cOoTeR

    What a day

    Yeah its all good I have no idea how it came loose but it worked perfect for the twenty minute ride home from there.
  14. cOoTeR

    What a day

    So after leaving Wendys after the ride today I stopped at iron pony. Picked up some oil a filter some chain wax. I paid not paying too much attention signed the receipt and headed out as I loaded the stuff into my saddle bags I saw the receipt and bout Shit my self. The total was 143.00. I then noticed I was charged 93.00 for the oil filter. The guy had mistakenly rang it up several times. I went back inside and it was all straightened out. Then when I got onto 270 it started raining. That's always fun. I exited at sawmill then went to turn onto hard road I noticed my shifter was loose while down shifting. I was in traffic so I couldn't just stop in the turn lane. As I up shifted the shifter fell and was hanging by the linkage. Lucky for me the bolt didn't fall out and I made it to the Kroger parking lot. I tried to tighten I it down but the hex head I had was too small. I had to get a ride to lowes and back to get a hex head set. But I got it tightened down and made it home
  15. You might want to be careful throwing random hand signs while riding. Could be mistaken for a gang banger then get run over or shot.
  16. Sorry for your loss Shawn. I'm going to try to make it tomorrow. If anyone has a for sure address of the meeting spot let me know please.
  17. Sorry for the double post guys.
  18. The problem with riding over your head or pushing your abilities is you don't know where the line you don't wanna cross is until after you've crossed it. This is the oh s#!t moment where you just realized you screwed up. I know when I went down at gingerman i wanted to blame the track surface for why I went down. After I thought about it I realized that if I new as much as I thought I knew I wouldn't have gone down also there were several people hitting the same turn way faster with no issues. It was my fault lesson learned. Glad your ok.
  19. The problem with riding over your head or pushing your abilities is you don't know where the line you don't wanna cross is until after you've crossed it. This is the oh s#!t moment where you just realized you screwed up. I know when I went down at gingerman i wanted to blame the track surface for why I went down. After I thought about it I realized that if I new as much as I thought I knew I wouldn't have gone down also there were several people hitting the same turn way faster with no issues. It was my fault lesson learned. Glad your ok.
  20. I'm planning on being there on Sunday all weekend if i can get off of work.
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