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Everything posted by cOoTeR

  1. Keep going north then it gets fun
  2. 1.5 hrs to get to good roads from Dublin? Head down to the sciota river head north along the river. I prefer to stay on the east side of the river. Not super twisty but a really nice ride once u pass 42. Try to stay close to the river.
  3. Welcome. Check out south east Ohio. Don't take map quest directions though they may bring you through Columbus.
  4. If its so bad back in hati why wouldn't he have brought family with him? Was he paying taxes before sending it home? I'm talking more about those that work here send it home then after a few years they go home and live like kings on the money they sent back.
  5. Nice ride you take it off any sweet jumps?
  6. Nothing wrong with those coming working paying taxes. What I have a problem with is people coming here working claiming to have 13 children in another country not paying required taxes cuz some sleazy employer hires them then 1099's em to keep their hands clean. Most of the money they make they send "home" and don't turn much back to the economy here.
  7. I agree with ya casper. Not paying taxes but taking advantage of the taxes being payed by others should not be allowed. Coleman wants to boycott Arizona for their laws. Wtf that sounds pretty un-american, what happened to the UNITED States of America? Not going to support another state that is doing right, for the benefit of a people who have destroyed their country and want to come here to rape our country. That's messed up.
  8. Just another day as one of the bitches on the vick plantation.
  9. I don't believe they work. I have seen them on bikes before though.
  10. U gonna go pick it up in Texas?
  11. I think Honda marysville has a repsol for about the price Ur looking to spend.
  12. Did your bike come equipped with those awesome deer whistles?
  13. Reconrat twisted1000 and myself wanted to say everyone else fails with the bike night. Lol.

  14. No problem guys. I had fun. Lotta neat stuff.
  15. I went down at my first track day. My fault I pushed myself beyond my abilities..
  16. cOoTeR

    boycott BP?

    I just saw on the news that people are pushing for a boycott of BP due to the oil leak in the gulf. Im all for it haven't been to a BP for years. I think its bull that if I were to be seen leaking oil from a boat in buckeye lake I would be forced to pay huge fines. BP is destroying a large part of the ecosystem and there isnt much of a public outcry. I understand it was an accident but come on. This is big its destroying areas that several birds use when they migrate south and make baby birds. Taking one species out can have drastic affects on our nation. That's just one small issue that can come of this issue. Why is it more people are not pissed off about this. It's as if its ok to destroy our nation as long as it doesn't raise gas prices.wtf?
  17. I run continental road attacks great tire. Hard center soft sides. I even took it to the gingerman track day, it did great. I love it for my 1krr.
  18. Welcome. U got a lot of sweet roads near ya in Athens. Check out 78 550 and 555 a lot of folks ride those.
  19. I was on the black 1k with flames. Do you have any of the pic numbers on heavypenny.com that your referring to.
  20. I didn't have pics from the original post but I would like to point out that in the link the dudes right foot looks pretty intact for being dragged for a mile. Also the helmet looks to be in pretty good shape for punching a hole in the back of a semi. Looks fake and set up. Imo.
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