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Posts posted by cOoTeR

  1. I was looking into nos for my corvette for cheap and easy power. The problem that seemed to be the biggest issue related to engine life is the sudden stress on the components. Most guys were running progressive controllers that slowly increased the amount being sprayed in. But I don't know if one of those would help you.

  2. Depending on price a weekend rental may be a good time. Did a car track day last year and two guys showed up with rental cars. One was a camaro ss and the other was a challenger. But that's too much risk for me to try to pull off.

  3. Too funny. The prez agreed with those of you who are disappointed with Sony. You do know their lawyers told them they'd be responsible for anyone killed or injured at the theaters if they proceeded, right? They're a Japanese-owned, for-profit company (with shitty I.T. Security) that needed to protect their interests, not act as bastions of liberty for this fine land.

    Sounds familiar.

    "But I can see why they'd pull it from the theaters for liability reasons. If they show it and something were to happen then I could see a lot of people that start pointing lawsuit fingers and saying "They knew this was going to happen but did nothing about it." This time the terrorist win."

  4. I think it's a load of crap. Sony just gave in to terrorism they are getting what they want. It's ironic that a country that spews nothing but hate propaganda about America now is offended by a slap comedy movie. They must be truly scared of us if they think we take Seth Rogan seriously. North Korea = hypocrites and Sony = pussies. But I can see why they'd pull it from the theaters for liability reasons. If they show it and something were to happen then I could see a lot of people that start pointing lawsuit fingers and saying "They knew this was going to happen but did nothing about it." This time the terrorist win. But I think Sony should sac up and say ok free copies of the movie for every household in the country as an FU to North Korea. I think it should get sponsorship from a bunch of American companies. Hell I'd probably be willing to watch a commercial in the middle of the movie if that were the case. If it's in the movie the advertiser can do whatever they want to. Like have a top less model shotgun a bud then shoot a Remington 870 while yelling America Fuck Yeah!

  5. Where I ride it gets really hot (Arizona) and I prefer to ride in full gear. If I'm going on a ride just to ride it's full gear, two piece leather suit, boots, gloves, and helmet. If it's commuting to work or the store it's normally jeans, leather riding jacket (top half of two piece), boots, gloves and helmet at a minimum. I've always gone by the mantra Dress for the slide not the ride, and believe no matter how hot it is sliding across the pavement is way more uncomfortable without gear.

    Perforated and mesh suits don't work as well out here due to the dryness of the desert. They are kind of counter productive because the sweat evaporates so fast you seem to get dehydrated faster. That and it feels like you have a blow dryer blowing air at you at 70 mph when wearing them.

    I just bought a Spidi suit from Riders Discount (awesome deal) with the optional hydroback. It has me thinking, what else can I do to improve my riding comfort? Do you guys have any particular base layer set up you use? Any tips and tricks from guys that ride in the heat a lot?

    Normally I just drink tons of water before a ride and chug a large bottle of water or Gatorade at every fuel stop. While riding I'll unzip my suit a little for a few miles to get extra air circulating then once it doesn't seem to be cooling me off as much I zip back up for a few miles to let the sweat build up then repeat.

  6. I have heard that COTA is expensive, 500+ for a track day. 


    I would like to try out barber, or anywhere else anyone wants to hit up. Doesnt matter to me as long as we can get out of the cold weather and ride. Il go to jennings, road atlanta or anywhere else thats open.

    I got an email from ride smart a week or so ago. They are doing a few days at COTA. I can't remember the details but the cost is $485. I've been going back and forth about going. In person its a badass track and is a massive facility.

  7. It's rumored that if a coyote responds to an electric call and gets shot at but misses they won't come into that certain call again. Since it sounds the same everytime the coyote will supposedly remember it and associate the sound with being shot at before.

  8. You're the one ignoring the facts. The autopsy clearly stated compression of the neck and chest were the cause of death. Who compressed his neck? Who compressed his chest? Oh yeah he did that to himself. :eyeroll:

    Yes you can speak if you're being suffocated. "I can't breathe" means "pardon me sir, but I don't seem to be respiring at my comfortable life-sustaining level" not necessarily, "there is absolutely no air escaping my lungs"

    Also, you can restrict someone's breathing without damaging their windpipe.

    The video shows a chokehold according to every dictionary definition I can find on the web.

    He wasn't choked to death as your original comment that started this debate said. Note you are citing compression of the chest as what caused his death. Which is it compression of his chest or a choke hold?

    Why was his neck (not throat) and chest compressed? Because someone called the cops on him for breaking the law and then he refused lawful orders to comply with being arrested. The cops then had to gain control of a giant of a man. They did that by knocking him off balance and taking him to the ground whet he still refused to comply. Since he still was refusing to be placed in handcuffs the cops had to remain on top of him to get him secured in cuffs. Due to his large size, poor health and the cops that were on top of him he then started having respiratory problems related to his asthma which he died from. He did not die from strangulation which would be the case if he died from a choke hold.

    He did not die while the officer had his arms around him. Had that been the case id say yes he was choked to death. Or if damage had been done to his wind pipe from being choked prior then dying from the damage preventing him from breathing. That's why I brought up that there was no damage to the wind pipe or throat.

    Had it been a choke hold and not a trained takedown the cop in question would at the very least be on unpaid leave pending a full investigation. But there is enough evidence in the video for the police department to believe it was a trained takedown and not a chokehold. Otherwise they would separate from him as quick as possible to release themselves from as much liability as possible. They would quickly say the officer went beyond what he is authorized to do in the situation on his own accord and is solely responsible for his actions. Instead he is still employed and working pending the full ia investigation. By keeping him employed the police department is opening themselves up to a lot of liability if they don't believe it was an allowable take down.

    Also he has been cleared criminally. Had Garner died of a choke hold and not positional asphyxiation attributed to his health it would have gone to trial at least.

  9. Find me a sourced definition of a choke hold that excludes everything but compression of the windpipe. I'll wait...

    In the mean time your claim that talking meant he could breathe just fine is laughable. You lie down on the floor and ill put 500 pounds of weight on your chest. You tell me if you can breathe or not.

    To your first part I already did that but you decided to ignore the definition of a choke. You can't have a choke hold without choking. I'm not going to waste more of my time on feeding your trolling just so you can ignore the facts.

    Your second part are you changing your argument that from he died from being choked to died from being laid on? 500 lbs of body weight is not an issue to breathing of you are in good health. Been there done that, I've taken several classes in self defense that focus on multiple attackers that included drills with dog pile type situations. It's not ideal for breathing freely but breathing is doable without fear of passing out.

    Also Garner was alive after they got the cuffs on him and we're no longer trying to restrain him. Had he been choked to death he either would have died while being choked or had damage to his windpipe. Neither of which happened. Your story is just that a story. Just like the Micheal Brown incident has died in this thread so will the Garner incident one the facts and evidence are released.

  10. I think short term renting would have a better market. Such as daily or weekly rentals. I know when I come to visit in Ohio I'd like to go on a motorcycle ride. The problem is there's only a couple places to rent from and the daily rate is way too high.

  11. Nice opinion of a blogger. Garner repeatedly stated he couldn't breath Eben after there was no pressure on him. He was talking clearly repeatedly he could breath. Even in those stupid demonstrations listed in the blogger quote you are breathing. Nice try citing a random opinion of an Internet user. The only person his opinion various more weight than is you. Still your trolling is failing.

    I'll reiterate this since you keep ignoring a majority of my postings.

    Never once did the coroner say he was choked. As a matter of fact he avoided saying that by not using the term asphyxiation.

    The cop claimed it wasn't a choke it was a takedown not forbidden by the police force. A claim that was determined to be true by the grand jury. You keep denying facts. In order for it to be a choke there would have been compression of the throat or wind pipe. There wasn't any choke. As determined by a thorough investigation and the grand jury using facts that you ignore.

  12. Now that we've established that, what specific injuries did the coroner cite as cause of death? "Compression of the neck and chest."

    How did his neck get compressed? Chokehold featured in the video.

    A chokehold that is expressly against regulations.

    Never once did the coroner say he was choked. As a matter of fact he avoided saying that by not using the term asphyxiation.

    The cop claimed it wasn't a choke it was a takedown not forbidden by the police force. A claim that was determined to be true by the grand jury. You keep denying facts. In order for it to be a choke there would have been compression of the throat or wind pipe. There wasn't any choke. As determined by a thorough investigation and the grand jury using facts that you ignore.

    Again can you talk without breathing? Why do you keep ignoring that question? I'm assuming because you know it blows your argument to crap.

  13. The first article the medical examiner is never quoted as saying he was choked. It was the reporter that decided that so that article can be ruled out.

    From the second article.

    “One of the things you did not hear today, which will be important, is asphyxiation,” said Lynch, noting that the compressions could have been caused by emergency workers trying to resuscitate the dying man."

    The third link is Wikipedia that's a good source. But also from your link.

    " However, the police have argued that before Garner passed out, there was no reason to believe that he was in serious condition, since they assumed that if Garner was unable to breathe, he would also have been unable to speak.[17][18][19] The medical examiner found no damage to Garner's windpipe or neck bones.[20] After Garner was handcuffed and had passed out, the police did no CPR on Garner because they claim he was still breathing, and that it would be improper to do CPR on someone who was breathing on their own.[21] Garner was pronounced dead approximately one hour later at the hospital.[22][23]"

    I'll copy this again from your own link so you can't ignore it,

    "The medical examiner found no damage to Garner's windpipe or neck bones."

    Once again are you able to talk without breathing? For the thousandth time.

    You're trolling skills are failing you.

  14. Here's an excerpt from a nice article about the Garner incident. That I still don't see the relevance for you to keep arguing that Garner was a saint in this thread.

    "Officer Pantaleo explained that he did not apply a “chokehold” to Garner. Rather, he applied a move that he learned in the police academy, a move designed to “tip the person [being arrested or restrained] so that they lose their balance and go to the ground.” Though he heard Garner say that he couldn’t breathe, Pantaleo testified that given the former’s ability to speak, he didn’t think that that was actually the case. Nevertheless, he immediately released him and called the EMTs.

    Pantaleo also added that he was fully aware that he was being videoed—but he didn’t mind. And he didn’t mind because he “knew” that he wasn’t “committing” any “misconduct.”

    The grand jurors were in a position to evaluate Pantaleo’s account. They found that it was truthful."

    Read the whole thing here,


  15. No, that pesky coroner again with his medical facts...

    Let's try this a different way. Let's say you're on blood thinners and I stab you in the leg. You die because you bleed out. Am I now clear from your death because most people wouldn't have bled out? Or did I still cause your death with my illegal action of stabbing you, and your blood thinners being a contributing factor?

    Where does it say it was ruled a homicide? There were more videos that the grand jury saw that detailed more details of the incident showing more to the story than what the media showed.

    I love how you keep ignoring all the logical details magley64.

    If you can talk you can breath. Are you denying that?

    To go with your hypothetical bs let's make it more logical. If I was trespassing on your property and refused to leave so you threatened me with a knife to leave. Instead of leaving I decide to fight with you. In the process you take me down to the ground and I get cut by something I land on or hit my head on and bleed to death due to blood thinners. Do you think you would be guilty of homicide? Probably not because everything that happened was a result of my actions.

    Garner was not choked. The medical examiner never said he was choked. He could talk the whole time. I'll ask you again. Do you think you can talk while being choked? Go ahead and continue to ignore facts and logic and prove that you are only continuing to be a troll.

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