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Posts posted by cOoTeR

  1. Wow, really? Other governments are worse so you have no right to complain about the injustices of this one? Is that really your position?

    In that case, all the tea baggers can fuck off, right?

    I don't see any injustice. I think any person would have acted the same in the officer's position.

    This country does a lot for people weber you want to recognize it or not. We wouldn't have a lot of the modern luxuries we have today without or government. Our government does way more for people than it does to work against them. It's pretty hypocritical to enjoy the protection of our government and use of the infasturcture set up maintained and funded by the government then turn around and say all they do is oppress people.

    While we're at it please give me some examples of less oppressive governments that are a better portion than ours.

    • Upvote 1
  2. I'm not too sure about the source, it came across my FB after someone shared it. But here is an interesting article if true. Basically it says two black panthers with Muslim names got arrested for having pipe bombs or materials to make pipe bombs in Ferguson.


    Another thing I thought about last night is had Brown been a soldier killed by an enemy or friendly fire we would have never heard about him no matter the circumstances. I doubt anyone outside his friends and family would care and nothing in Ferguson would be happening out of the ordinary. Same as if he were a policeman or firefighters killed in the line of duty. Or if he were a doctor teacher aid worker or other profession mostly viewed as honorable killed by gang violence. Or even if he was in a profession seen as dishonorable such as a thief or drug dealer killed by gang violence or by a cop of the same race. No one would take notice outside of a handful of people that knew him.

    But since it was a black guy shot by a white cop it is socially acceptable to act and feel the way people do about this. Yet take no notice of the other scenarios mentioned above. I would be more sympathetic and understanding of the actions of the protesters and even the rioters of they felt and reacted the same way for other deaths. I didn't see anything like this happen after the Boston marathon bombing. The police used similar "military-like" equipment then also. Some people complained about it but there weren't any protests and riots because of it. No one acted out when Chris Kyle was murdered same with the troopers that were attacked in Pennsylvania. It wouldn't be considered acceptable behavior for these situations so why is it acceptable just because it was a black guy shot by a white cop? Why does our country get worked up over when this happens yet doesn't give a shit when a guy goes crazy and kills his family? There is a clear bias of the reactions to different situations of death. Apparently our country cares more about the death of a thug killed by a cop than the deaths of cops killed by thugs or the death of thugs killed by other thugs or the death of military members who get killed. If you want to have a meaningful death in this country apparently you should be a thug killed by a cop.

    The people of Ferguson need to take a look around if they want to really know about government oppression. Look at Mexico they have 43 people missing or killed presumably by the Mexican government. Look at Syria and Iraq where isis is taking over as the government in areas and murdering people based on race and beliefs. That's true government oppression. If you think our government is too mean maybe you should go find another government to live under.

    • Upvote 2
  3. We as a nation got attacked on 9/11. The response was coming together with police and firefighters leading the way. People helped other people. They didn't start tearing shit up and stealing while calling it a protest.

    But apparently the better response from the police and fire would have been to just start tearing stuff up. If everytime a policeman gets shot or a fireman dies in an arson fire they should start rioting and citing that the reason is because bad guys are mean and have too good of weapons.

  4. Its all of that, and about military-grade police hardware which angers crowds because it signals a disconnect between police and citizens. You can't explain the Ferguson situation with just any one factor.

    The cops should be out there with hug guns while peaceful protesters throw flaming glass bottles of free gas to them.

    • Upvote 1
  5. No, again this has nothing to do with brown. This is a systemic problem. Brown and Wilson were just the spark that lit the powder keg of disdain, contempt, and mistrust that the people have for the legal representatives and officials in their state.

    Or they could try not being dirt bags for a change. Get educated and make the right choices when it comes time to vote. Obey the law even if they seem stupid and you won't have any run ins with the law.

    • Upvote 1
  6. Amen to that. Hate only brings more hate which brings more hate.

    I think that pretty much sums up our countries race issues. People hate others because they hate them and vice versa. If people could treat people like people it'd be a much better place. But someone gets wronged by a (insert any race or creed here) person instead of taking the mind set of that individual is a dick, people take the mind set of everyone of that race or creed is a dick. It's an ugly spiral that is encouraged by the behavior of all around us. If everyone could let it go the world would be a much better place.

    • Upvote 2
  7. im still trying to make it....damn, you people already booking rooms and shit? guess i figure some shit out a little quicker....as of now - this is my main #1 vacation next year, so i dont anticipate any problems - assuming the bike isnt wrecked and i have a valid license lol


    fuck it, worst case ill just sleep in my car at one of your guys camp sites...its just too early for me to book anything

    No guarantees but we may have room in our room at the Two Wheel Inn but the dates don't line up perfect as of now.
  8. The cast was on Conan last night and Sutter said one of his fantasy endings just because he knows it would piss everybody off would be Jax waking up from a dream jumping on a Vespa and pulling into a Starbucks.  That shit would be funny as hell but he is definitely right that it would have pissed everyone off.

    I think that's how the last episode should start. Then follow him around all day doing boring shit in a two hour series final episode.

  9. Ok, WHAT THE FUCK; Brown's parents were in Geneva, where the U.N. Committee Against Torture is hearing testimony this week about U.S. policies.


    What the fuck does this shooting of some thug have to do with "torture" and a need for this thugs parents to go to Geneva?  I am so beyond confused what the fuck these people have to do with anything pertaining to the UN?  Someone, please, I am begging you, try to make sense of this for me.

    The scarier thing is the US is being represented by his family. Imagine how that will make us look? Aside from the general Asshatary behavior they already spew. How does one jackass being shot compare to the problems faced by the rest of the world?

  10. You think the OmniCruise is less offensive than the ThrottleMeister, aesthetically? I don't believe I've ever heard that opinion. I use a device similar to the TM, but it's Kaoko. I like it, but would prefer an electronic cruise control, obviously. Jinu had the Omni on his FZ1, but he doesn't ride it... so he probably can't give you an opinion. I know lots of riders opt for it, because it's easy to operate. Regardless of TM, Omni, whatever.... throttle locks are the shit on a long ride. Mine made a huge difference when I did my IronButt run a couple years ago. (still haven't turned in that paperwork :( )

    Yeah the TM looks like it should be on the bottom of one of those old people canes with the four legs on it. Plus it's semi permanent and well over $100.the Omni cruise can be pulled off whenever so it doesn't matter if it looked bad.

  11. At the progressive motorcycle show in Phoenix this past weekend there was a booth for a product called omni cruise (http://www.omni-cruise.com). I talked to the guy in the booth he is a rider and the guy who designed and builds the throttle lock. It's different than other throttle locks because it's not a part that stays on your bike, it's more of a clamp. So you can have it in your pocket while riding then when you get to a stretch of highway you can pull it out put it on the grip and set your speed. It fits on most hand grips so if you have multiple bikes you only need one omni cruise as long as it has clearance to rotate on the grip. Part of the clamp goes around the grip and the other part rests on the brake lever to hold the throttle open. It can be disengaged by rolling the throttle closed, pushing down on it with your thumb or pulling the brake lever. You can leave it on the throttle and up out of the way when you don't need it then just push it forward and tighten it down when you want to use it again.

    The guy builds them all by himself and was proud to say that every piece machine and tool used in the process of making them is 100% made in the USA. He was a pretty cool guy and gave my friend and I $10 each of the price since we both bought one. So I got it for $80 less than the throttlemeister throttle lock which I think looks horrible and isn't as easy to disengage. Looking at the design of the throttlemeister it looks like it could engage on its own when you aren't expecting it if you've left it tightened down.

    I haven't had a chance to use it yet but I'll put a review in here once I do. But the build quality is top notch. At first glance it looks like some type of Leatherman product. Just because it's a small company doesn't mean it's made cheaply. Also I like supporting small companies over big name companies.

  12. I went to the progressive motorcycle show Saturday. The stunt show was sponsored by Kawasaki so they had Jason Britton and Eric I don't know his last name performing. I've seen a few stunt shows in my day. Normally I get bored after about 5 minutes but these guys were awesome.

    Afterwards they were signing autographs so we went to get one on a shirt my son won earlier. I asked if we could also get a picture. They said of course. So we went around the desk and got a nice picture. As we were walking back around my two year old son saw Jason Britton's bottle of water. He said "Daddy water" and reached for it. I said "No, that's Mr.Britton's water.". Then the little stinker looked at Jason Britton and said "Water please". Jason didn't hesitate grabbed the water and handed it to my son with a smile. I tried to politely turn it down but he insisted and gave my son his bottle of water. Then after the autograph session he was walking around the show talking to people.

    It's always cool seeing celebrities that aren't too cool to hang out around normal people. But it's really cool when you meet one that is a genuinely nice and cool person. Jason Britton is one of them.

  13. I'd drop the H2 and RSV4.  H2 is going to be back marker material this time around.  The 1299/Panigale R and the R1/R1 M are the choices.  The R1 still has a lot of heft.  I wanna see it in person with hopes it is more narrow and compact.  But that weight is a killer.  I am thinking it is a lot in the wheels and that exhaust.  But at 439, it isn't really good.  And the M I heard is actually heavier even though it has CF body panels.  Not sure how that worked.


    I think that the R1 will be the bike that gets the best results.  The thing that scares me is that Yamaha is well known for handling.  So, if it is slightly heavier, but handles like on rails, that can be overlooked...


    I'd be those two for sure.  I am a little biased of course, but both are pretty solid.

    They had the H2R but not the H2. The Ducati reps told us the 1299 and the new multistrada would be at the next show.

    The R1 and R1M were there and they look amazing in person. The seating position was pretty aggressive on the R1 (couldn't sit on the M) similar to my friends 1199. But that gauge cluster was awesome. It looked like a very high definition smart phone. It looked better than the display on my Samsung Galaxy S5. It looked like it had a graph similar to my corvette for displaying G's and another that had something to do with brakes. They were both small bikes when you get close to them. They look awesome in person. The R1M had a lot of electronic gizmos which is why they claim it to be heavier. That exhaust is huge it'll be a big weight drop.

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