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Everything posted by cOoTeR

  1. I don't have interest in one. I already own a heavy sport bike lol.
  2. Maybe a new seat will help
  3. Strippers make the best roommates if you like to party.
  4. Not as awesome as kawi kids gold shorts pics.
  5. This guy was on multiple forums doing this. Some of his post made it seem like he had an idea of guns which is scary. I liked where he was talking about taping body armor and an asp on himself.
  6. There are just some days down here that really seem like were in the wild wild west.
  7. This is how people in Arizona deal with the bad guys. http://www.usatoday.com/news/nation/story/2012-06-23/phoenix-teen-shoots-intruder/55782484/1
  8. I thought our trolls were bad check this stuff out. Tactical mall security? This is some real observe and report crap. http://lonelymachines.org/mall-ninjas/
  9. http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=94361
  10. That's an obvious sign no one cares what you say dumbass.
  11. Go somewhere else with your bullshit. Obviously no one here cares what you say your wasting your time. Your as bad as one of the mall ninjas on a gun forum. Get a real job that actually contributes to society if you really care about this country instead of swinging from some political groups nuts.
  12. Sounds like the mighty vac woulda have helped to me. Just as long as you don't use too much pressure too fast.
  13. He's my hero that's who he is. Lol Wtf is nothing sacred. The OP shoulda done some research and seen how much the place is geared towards HD riders. That's who he's talking to right? There are only a select few HD guys with skin thick enough to stick around here. He shoulda tried to relate to us by saying he rode a track bike or scooter or was in to being drunk or guns hell any damn thing but an HD sympathizer. I'm not a 1%er I'm 69er. Ok end of my BS meaningless contribution to this trolling thread.
  14. Nothing like the real thing. You need to get ahold of a quart of legit Tennessee shine and you guys will understand.
  15. Becareful I got a hell of a deal on a suzuki intruder once because it was having "clutch issues". Basically the guy had it serviced at a dealership and it sat while he was trying to sell it. He went to ride it one day and there was no pressure in the clutch lever. He just wanted it gone so he could deck out his night train and sold it to me cheap. I got it home tried to bleed the lines and it worked. Came out the next day no pressure. I got super pissed eventually and took it to a local shop. The guy looked it over determined the issue was with the slave cylinder and ordered the new one. When he went to install the new slave cylinder he noticed the gasket was all messed up. He called and asked me how I bled it and told him the pump the lever and turn the nut method. He told me the issue was someone used a vacuum bleeder on the bike and had sucked the gasket into the slave cylinder allowing a small air leak in. This happened at the dealer because they were the only other ones to touch the bike.
  16. Normally yes but 1. He's a fat guy and I don't wanna subject a good rr to that. More importantly 2. at least its not a gsxr.
  17. A friend of mine is planning on buying an 04 r6 on Monday and asked if I would look it over for him. I know the normal things to look for. I was wondering if these bikes have any model specific issues to look out for.
  18. By the title of this thread I thought there had been some STD sharing at the gap. Lol.
  19. cOoTeR


    You know why they put the faces on the buildings? To make godzilla think twice when he comes back.
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