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Everything posted by cOoTeR

  1. cOoTeR

    Got pulled over

    I don't see why yall are being so mean to cookie? It not like all you fags haven't ridden around with ur visor up, with no license while trying to impress chicks on campus! Lolz
  2. cOoTeR


    From the album: My new beat up RC51

  3. cOoTeR


    From the album: My new beat up RC51

  4. Yeah its that one. I'll try to upload some more recent pics but for some reason they always end up really tiny.
  5. I have a beater 01 rc51 and every review I've read says they are not good for commuting because the rc's have such a race oriented design. I don't notice much other than the seat lacks a little and it kicks off a bit of heat. Other than that its all good.
  6. I voted large. But what design is it?
  7. I work on saturdays but I may be able to swing by as a spectator because I don't go in until 5pm.
  8. Man dates don't count especially if there's motorcycle riding involved. Well unless one of the guys is named motorcycle.
  9. No I'm the other direction I live in Willcox. As soon as I get my bike tuned ill be up for a ride. You know of any good routes out here? I've been thinking of going up through alpine I heard its pretty nice up there.
  10. Your in Tucson? I'm about an hour from there. You got a bike down here?
  11. She probably can't open her mouth due to all the peanut butter and pubes stuck in there after your "chats".
  12. Can someone put a better link to this I can't get it either.
  13. That'd be this guy. Lol it was in a thread that someone was bitching about someone calling a sport bike a crotch rocket. but I really don't care what its called I just love to ride.
  14. But not having a bike cuts your posts by half since you've got more free time for the interwebz.
  15. Also have scruit come over so we know its on film. Make sure you stand on the pegs and bounce. I know it sounds crazy but its all very scientific stuff it'll work.
  16. Just put the bike on a rear stand,put it and gear and run it to redline should just fly off.
  17. He was a true woodsman. Something most rednecks aspire to be.
  18. cOoTeR

    Got pulled over

    We need a smiley of nelson from the simpsons, "ha ha".
  19. Well this sucks he was one of my favorites on the show. http://www.washingtonpost.com/local/obituaries/louisiana-sheriff-says-swamp-people-cast-member-mitchell-guist-dead-after-fall-on-boat/2012/05/14/gIQABJ1FPU_story.html
  20. cOoTeR

    Bike in Pickup

    I've always used three straps and a canyon dancer. Just tighten the front down halfway and then tighten the other straps to the passenger pegs. Just make sure the bike is upright and not on the kick stand. When your done give the bike a little shake the truck should rock and it'll be good.
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