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Everything posted by cOoTeR

  1. Yeah that's the first thing I did was check each front and rear with no luck. As in I pressed each lever to try to get them to light but they didn't. I see the rear adjustment but don't know how to adjust the front, is it adjustable as well? (the brake light switch).
  2. It's a brake light question not quesrion. Lol my bad.
  3. I have a clear alternatives integrated tail light on my bike. The tail light, and turn signals work fine. The brake light doesn't work now. It had worked for about 1yr then quit. I recently had the levers and other controls off to get powdercoated. Is there a way that I could have messed em up then? My first guess is the fuse but will the tail light still work without the brake light fuse? Are they separate? I'm about to start looking onto it today but my plastics are aftermarket and a pain to remove and install. Any advice is appreciated. Thank you.
  4. We went at noon I misread the first post it was good.
  5. Wish I could make it but doesn't look like I can.
  6. Lol funny commercial. Maybe we should do an Ohio riders zoo day.
  7. Looks very similar to the bimota tessi 3d (probably spelled it wrong). A review I saw for the bimota said the hub steering took away all the feed back you get in the handle bars from the forks so track riding was tricky.
  8. I just ate there about a week ago I may stop by. Just a reminder they are cash only there.
  9. http://stores.sportbiketrackgear.com/Detail.bok?no=421 $260 for a set rear is 190/50. Get with Hoblick he's a cool guy great price on installs. He just installed a set for me, probably the only person I'm going to for installs. While your at the website check out the dunlop q2's.
  10. Hookers and Blow! Just think what your neighbor's will think of you while your yelling this out of your back door every morning standing in your under roos.
  11. When we adopted our lab I wanted to name him Repsol, ceiber (cbr), Stoner, cerberus or dee"o"gee (d.o.g). None of this would fly with my fiancee. So I started throwing crap out there like Rossi, Hayden, pirrelli, Honda, kawi and Ducati. She stopped me there and said I kinda like that one. So Ducati stuck and he answers to Duc, Duker, Ducati, Goofy and "you dumb ass". Just start throwing names out there like I did of random motorcycle stuff and if she thinks one is ok stick with it. Or you could name the little guy "Squish" because that's what will happen if someone doesn't see it.
  12. Nah next is the gold chain to go with my squid suit. Then pulling the front rotors off and taking out the right headlight.
  13. I'm having a 190/55 tire installed on my 07 cbr 1000 stock it has a 190/50. I assume thus will throw my speedometer off. Does anyone know of it will read faster or slower, how much? Anything else I should be aware of?
  14. We rode it Sunday the 5th and it wasn't too bad only a couple spots were bad. Most of the gravel was in the straights and the corners that had it weren't covered. The areas in the trees were still damp but we were on it a little early it seemed to be drying pretty fast.
  15. Chevy are you still posting the mission updates here? I just joined up and the first few days I got updates, but lately I haven't received any updates.
  16. Saw him pass my house today as I was removing my wheels to take to hoblick.
  17. I'm planning on heading down the night of the 8th then leaving early afternoon monday. Here's where I'd like to stay. www.twowheelinn.com/
  18. Lol it happened pulling out from the last gas station we waited for them. 90+ miles from their home. I'm just glad it wasn't at speed. But I guess they all still had a blast so it was all good.
  19. Well it didn't break it came off the sprocket and got fucked up so they had to cut it and phone a friend to pick him up.
  20. Joey I just talked to the guys that broke down they made it home.
  21. I guess it didn't break but came off the sprocket and it had to be cut for some reason. Just more motivation to keep up on maintenance. It was a great ride everyone rode their own pace. I was kind of worried about holding people up since I was 2up but I don't think I did. I didn't feel rushed. It was a blast nice day for it only had a little rain on the way home on 270 wasn't to bad.
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