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Everything posted by C-bus

  1. C-bus

    New Toy

    Now THESE are cars. I read about these young whipper snappers salivating over Cobalt gt-wtf and Evo and WRX.... cars I've never heard of. These are the cars that adorned my Trapper-Keeper.
  2. ^Thread has officially been Ringoed..... Good comments. I appreciate the feedback. I'm hoping to do more recreational riding as the kids get older. With that will come a higher level of comfort through the twistiest, I'm sure.
  3. Good point. With exception of protective pants, I wear gear. I also should have mentioned that pleasure riding is a treat for me and my riding is usually a couple hundred miles per week of commute whether to Cleveland, SE Ohio, or just to the office.
  4. I tear up some on-ramps!
  5. When I initially convinced my wife that buying a bike was a smart thing to do, I made the promise that I would only be riding city streets and back-roads. But after being shaken up a few times by left-turn grannies, I started to change my tune. Now, my comfort-zone is 100% freeway (rush hour traffic included). Twisties with oncoming traffic only feet away scare the piss out of me:o and city streets put me on a necessarily high level of alert. Getting to know some of you, I've found exceptional talent through the twisties, but reluctance on the highway. There aren't right or wrong answers, but I'm interested in the comments. My take: Freeway - 1) traffic is all going in the same direction, no left-turn grannies 2) road hazards are visible well ahead of impact and corrections can be more easily made 3) distracted drivers can be spotted and anticipated 4) head-on collisions are rare Cons - flat tires are bad, going down will be more painful Discuss ...
  6. Agree 100%. I was attempting to recap her point. His lack of a helmet should not change her crime. You drive drunk, don't be surprised by the penalties. Society hasn't been keeping them a secret for the past 30 years. Edit... I am not driving tonight for a reason, hence my failure to make my point.
  7. You pose an interesting question. The act didn't change, but the outcome was different because of the lack of helmet. No, helmets should not be mandated. We need to retain the right to make bad decisions in our own lives. This is akin to mandating Kevlar vests while shopping at crack-kroger on East Main St. You get shot and murder/assault is decided by what you did or didn't wear. Admittedly (makes me an awful person, I'm sure), I find myself feeling much less sorry for a death caused by an accident in which the rider wasn't wearing a helmet. . "No" to a mandate though.
  8. Shooting AT cute puppy. Killed Cajun wife-beater. Uh huh.
  9. Holy shit! I had to shut my office door and have tears running down my face! F-ing hilarious!
  10. C-bus

    2 cents

    I like it. Tasteful.
  11. I'm too old and fat for that, but as long as you aren't putting others in danger, have fun and take some good video.
  12. RIP rider. On OR, we tend to own up to mistakes and misinformation pretty quickly on our own. Sorry about your friend, but you're being an ass.
  13. Do they make you an official Ducatista? Perhaps Hoblic made some good points......
  14. You will never take the FZ1 to its limit. Plenty of bike in a comfortable package.
  15. C-bus

    HD Project

    That's an expensive group at 7 yards. Juss sayen.
  16. Go to cycletrader.com and type keyword "leftover ". There were some dirt cheap brand new fz1s in Huron Ohio.
  17. I'd eat more fruits and vegetables. That's some toxic leakage springing from those pours.
  18. C-bus

    Cheap scope review

    If you want it, PM your address and I'll mail it to you. If you like, send me a check. If not, ship it back. I'll likely not get to the zanesville area any time soon.
  19. C-bus

    Cheap scope review

    Black. It has the standard crosshair setup. Feel free to pm. Rings and Weaver mounts included. Was a wasted setup atop my 30-30.
  20. C-bus

    Cheap scope review

    I still have my Leupold vx1 3-9x40 for $125 if anyone is interested. In the field one time before I decided that Scopes were for blind old men.
  21. EVERY girl wants a three-way.
  22. Welcome! I grew up on Falcon hockey.
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