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Everything posted by C-bus

  1. C-bus

    Advice requested

    I'd give it back just to one-up him in yet another aspect of life.
  2. I would say "Bad's colon" but I'm pretty sure there'd be some sort of grain alcohol mixed in.
  3. That's a tough question..... when asked by a guy who doesn't like VFRs or triumphs but looks at a Katana and says "I'm gonna kick that bitch sideways on my way home from the strip". Just messing... there are plenty of solid bikes on this forum that I don't care for.
  4. 1) I played the flute in band and enjoy musical theater, but I’m not gay. 2) My wife got pregnant three months after my vasectomy….he’s mine, so don’t go there. 3) I have done well in a career that I love. I actually look forward to going to work, but I still enjoy my off-time. 4) I was the first varsity goalie on the first soccer team that my high school had. I wasn’t bad either. 5) My father went from piloting a 49 foot sailboat around the British Virgin Islands in July to being diagnosed with cancer and dead by the end of August. I still pick up the phone to call him….. 6) I don’t do a good job keeping in touch with old friends. In fact, it dawned on me the other day that my only friends are those whom I pay. I have to wonder if my jokes are funny. 7) I enjoy solitude. 8) Watching the sun come up over a dense wood from 15 feet up in a tree stand is finding God. 9) Speaking of whom, I’m not a fan of religion. Karl Marx said it best… “Religion is the opiate of the masses”. Not criticizing spiritual people, but I do believe that organized religion is man’s crafty crowd-control creation. 10) I once heard a simple quote that made sense to me. I try to live my life by it, but as with all people, I screw it up sometimes. “Do the right thing because it’s the right thing to do and not because someone might be watching.” PS... The font is different because I did it on a word document first and then copied and pasted... 1) for spelling and 2) because I don't like to log in for a long period of time on the work computer. Big brother is watching.
  5. They were at QS&L last night...... so I heard.....because I'd never go to a bike night... ....because they're stupid.....
  6. Guys...... he still has the sticker. Antique cars from the 1990's in their original package are worth huge dollars.
  7. I'm shocked this is still for sale. Great bike at a great price. For shits and giggles, get on Craigslist and put "2004" in for your search. I guarantee there will not be another decent non-offroader in the price range. Good luck with the sale!
  8. I believe it's quite the opposite. Higher octane has less energy content per volume hence less likely to pre-ignite which is the whole point of the octane rating. Pinging= pre-ignition of fuel.
  9. I'd have to interact with actual people again, pay attention while on conference calls (even the ones I'm hosting), play with my kids, read books, exercise, and ride motorcycles. Please don't shut it down.
  10. Occasionally, we get a hard-core hater... but most of the time people are just having fun poking and prodding. I know that's how I take it. I'd rather be on a cruiser any day than one of those ghey litre crotch thingies.
  11. Sue anyone you film running a red light AND pay off the judge and jury..... you win the suit without trial. No difference.
  12. Civil liability still requires a preponderance of the evidence. How does that lie in a picture of a plate? And for what damages am I being sued? And if a civil suit from a private entity is being decided without the opportunity for representation AND the municipality benefits financially from that civil liability, would this not be akin to corruption?
  13. I can't believe the constitutionality hasn't yet been decided. Seems like a pretty blatant attack on due process. Where is the "proof beyond a reasonable doubt that the vehicle owner was driving? Yet you get a notice by mail that you have been "convicted" and "punished". Both cages are in my name. Is my wife immune from punishment? Burn them all!!!!!
  14. Ok.... I can't take it anymore. Can we please, as a group, vote on whether or not cruisers are cool? It used to be that they weren't, but now the cool kids are getting them. Now, I need some consensus direction. BTW... nice bike... I miss my cruiser but I'm not ready to give up on fast and practical yet. My problem is that I won't give chrome the attention it needs. I just need to get a garage queen for a second bike. I get wet aaaaaaaaaaalot.
  15. That's a tough one. It was a little more than a technicality though. It was an ordinance that the elected officials implemented. The will of the people needs to change the referendum ordinance and then proceed.
  16. Sorry for your loss. The shop call doesn't sound good.
  17. +1 Seven years ago, when I got my ccw, Ohio was one of the most restrictive. The word then was to carry as you would in Ohio, and you'll be fine. Not sure if that's changed.
  18. Looks nice. Congratulations!
  19. C-bus

    Bar carry

    I thought he did too. Must have been a can of Pringles?
  20. Sorry about your troubles. Glad You made it home ok.
  21. Werd. I think hot baths are ghey, and I took a hot bath.
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