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Everything posted by C-bus

  1. I just googled him. I guess he's expanded and has a dojo in sandusky now. My brother trained with him in the 80s and 90s.
  2. He trains Tae Kwan Do and Mui Thai -sp? . I think he dabbles in MMA now as well.
  3. Kirk Hess in Fremont. Great teacher and bad dude.
  4. The Pony makes me happy... purchase or not.
  5. C-bus

    First rides

    Still waiting for it to diminish. I remember thinking how fast 45mph felt and the "oh-shit" sensation when I would pass a semi.
  6. C-bus

    My first gun

    "Compact" starts with a "c". Crazy Germans.
  7. I'd go up $20 to support small(er) business.
  8. $549 will get one right now. I sent Dale a PM though just to see.
  9. I had myself convinced Sunday that I needed a mark 23. Glad that passed.
  10. I might just do that. I don't have a .45 for the first time in 15 years. But then I'll have to get more ammo, and then I'll have to struggle with what gun to take when the Russians/Cubans invade..... so much for my head to sort out. Ok, I'll see what he can do. Still not sure which one, but leaning towards xdm.
  11. C-bus

    BB guns

    Very controlled environment. My undivided attention is on him. My hands generally guiding the gun.
  12. "Better" is so subjective. Do tell. "Different ".... yes. An inexpensive, lightweight, indestructible, 100% reliable, deadly-accurate firearm is hard to better. Are there others? Of course.... Sig, HK, Springfield, SW, Kahr, Ruger, Beretta, Colt, and eleventybillion other custom 1911 makers. Concealability? Agreed, not my pick.
  13. C-bus

    BB guns

    Go for it. My 4-yo has a Daisy. He has trouble working the lever, but loves pulling that trigger. A great age to start imprinting the safety lessons. Take the curiosity out of guns.
  14. Peeling back the tab on my dad's PBR. Something about those ancient tabs.... now we have to save the damn seagulls with these new-fangled bendy, stay-on tabs. Crap, I tell you... crap!
  15. Welcome back to Ohio! I used to live by the lake. You'll enjoy it until December.
  16. ^+1 Every once in a while, you'll have that "oh shit" moment and it will put you back where you belong.
  17. I'm either going to grab a 30sf or xdm .45 this week. Both get outstanding reviews in Gun Tests.
  18. 1500 rounds and counting. No issues. I'd buy another in a heartbeat. I shoot blazer 115 grain dogshit too.
  19. Get a Gen 4. You'll thank me later. So much better feeling in the hand. Recoil is also dampened significantly.
  20. C-bus

    My first gun

    My wife just got the Bodyguard .380. Not a bad little gun at all.
  21. WSBK 5:00 and 6:00 Sunday.
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