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Posts posted by C-bus

  1. I'm okay with smoking racist cigarettes since I'm a racist.

    I love how a lot of threads like this make all smokers out to be poor white trash. Want to put blame on someone, blame the Democrats. They are the ones pushing for laws that make us pay for the lower class. And if you don't have kids, your posts in this thread are just retarded

    You're white trash when A) you're white AND B) you have made a career out of living off of entitlements. Smoking is optional. Please note the "made a career" portion of my reply. I am in no way chastising someone in need of assistance when there is a goal of independence at the end of the road or a genuine inability to achieve that independence. And I always blame the democrats.

  2. Thanks from one sped teacher to another :) Keep fighting the battle

    My wife worked hard and gave those kids everything she had (she's raising the family now, but will soon be re-joining the workforce). She gave them emotional support, a 1st-rate education, books, clothes, combs, fruits, and vegetables. She had one child that she would bring soap and a towel each day and allow him to use the gym locker room to clean up. My anger is towards the sperms and eggs out there.

  3. I'm actually an administrator at an inner city school in Dayton. There have been a lot of rants in this thread that I would like to address.

    The peanut allergy- It's a big deal. We've had to have entire peanut free areas.

    Peanuts can be deadly...sad but true.

    School supply lists- Every school has them. They shouldn't be brand specific though. That's pretty crazy, I'm guessing that this is a school that has the demographic that brand name things wouldn't be hard to obtain. My school we have a list and thankfully we have some very supportive parents and churches and people in the community that want to help.

    Wussy kids- It's not the kids, it's the parents and society that have made them this way. Like every all children, they are what their parents raise them to be. Schools can only do so much. It's entirely unfortunate that schools seem to be expected to "raise" children, that isn't the intent of schools.

    Props to all those parents out there that understand actions and consequences! I'm sure it isn't easy...I'll get to know soon, the wife is six month pregnant.

    Congrats on the pregnancy!

  4. :eek:That's kind of shitty that they won't let him have the epi pen! Um, it could save his life! What is he supposed to do otherwise? When I was in college I was in charge of the women's freshman dorm. I had a girl with a peanut allergy and somebody put peanut butter on her door knob. One of the girls came to me and said she got peanut butter. By the time I got to her, her face was swollen, eyes swollen shut and she was turning blue. And her twin sis gave the Epi pen just before I got there. Had to go to the hospital with them and everything. Scary shit!

    I just wonder where this allergy came from because it seems so prevalent now.

    Peanut butter on the door knob? What kind of a human does that?

  5. Don't get me wrong, I make substantial donations.... I choose very specifically to what organizations those gifts are made. For example... Charity Newsies... as an inner-city special education teacher, my wife actually sees those coats and backpacks on those children. Everyone is a volunteer and every penny goes towards things that parents can't easily divert elsewhere. I also donate substantially to the education foundation in my local school system as the money is used to enhance educational opportunities for all children from the multi-millionaires to the free-lunchers including trips abroad, equipment enhancements in the classrooms, etc.... I cannot stand watching smokers get their free-lunch coupons at school for their kids. I personally believe that if a parent chooses to pay for cigarettes instead of their child's meal, they should be considered neglectful to the full extent of the law. You lose a job, you fall on tough times, you choose to do without the I-phone and the smokes, then that is what these programs should do. Don't be too global with your philanthropy. It's easy to say "save the children" and then send a check. Follow the money, my brother... you will be shocked and disappointed. Many "Not-For-Profits" make as much "Not-For-Profit" as they can.

  6. Everybody knows from when we were little that the school has a list of school supplies that are to be brought at the beginning of the year. When I was a kid, it was pens, pencils, notebook paper, tissues, crayons etc.

    Now it's very specific such as Kleenex tissues, Crayola crayons etc. Supposedly this is so that no one gets picked on, so that they all have the same stuff. But what about families who choose not to buy name brand stuff to save money? Isn't it going to get them picked on when the parent can't afford the name brand stuff? They do stuff like this and don't have try-outs for sports teams so nobody get's their feelings hurt. Isn't this just making a bunch of wussy kids?

    And there are schools who have a list of acceptable foods the kids can bring. No chocolate, not even choc chips in trail mix, no juice boxes unless they are 100% juice, no added sugar, etc and all kinds of stupid stuff. I thought we lived in a free country?!

    And the floor is open for discussion...:popcorn:

    They are so specific because they throw all of the stuff together and the kids then use what they need out of a "common supply". That masks the fact that a certain percentage of the kids aren't asked to bring anything because single momma chooses $6.00/day in cigarettes instead of paying for less important things like school supplies and the kid's lunch. Maybe I'm a prick, but I ask the teacher to give my daughter's scissors back at the end of the year for our own supply. Entitlements have killed charity.

  7. I'm just gonna jump in here and ask... For the prices these scooters go for, why would someone buy one? You could get a real motorcycle for the price you'd pay for a scooter... I'm clearly missing something here.

    I see it as a foot in a door. My wife has absolutely no interest in getting on motorized 2-wheels. So maybe a cute little vespa/ish scooter to zip up to Cup-o-Joe might get her started. Besides, I'm never allowed to ride for recreational purposes, so it might actually get ME out more. And in the end, it is truly all about me.

  8. I was in there Thursday to look at some riding jeans (Shift) and a new visor. I was asking some questions and the guy said "look, these riding jeans don't offer any more protection than a $30 pair of Carharts at WalMart". Now before any I.P. personnel get too upset, I took the $80 and spent it on other stuff that I wouldn't have otherwise purchased. So a little honesty lost them $0 in revenue and bumped them up a couple of notches in my proverbial "book".

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