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Everything posted by C-bus

  1. This shady guy is ok. I'd sell guns to him.
  2. Dear Quarter Horse Congressees.... Please stay off of my freeways during rush hour. Also, while driving in the big city, keep your trailer the fuck out of my left lane. With all due respect.
  3. Looks like fun. To me, any opportunity to shoot outside a 75' indoor lane is great fun.
  4. Are those pmags any good. I see they're on sale at Vances for like $12/30 rnd.
  5. Welcome! I can't imagine wrestling that beast at slow speeds as a first bike. I remember feeling like I was going to drop my 250 Nighthawk simply doing a u-turn in the driveway. Stay safe and wear that helmet.
  6. Sigs are great. I love mine. It's my EDC. But what was beretta's last gun to come out that had failures on such a large scale as the quality control POS models that Sig has been turning out? 938, 238, 290, 250, and even some MK25s. Sig sold out their quality in their rush for market share. The Beretta is a great gun. It will find its mark, it will not fail, it is priced well. As for the safety..... not my pick for a CCW (but either is that gun). I prefer a decocker that isn't a safety. It is, however, very easy to use and almost springs forward when pushed.
  7. You would not be disappointed with a 92fs or an M9. That being "said".... I have been VERY unhappy with both of the BHPs that I've had. Reliability issues and the world's most expense shitty stock trigger. IMO
  8. Started out strong with about 3000 from April through July. Only about another 1000 since then. Not done yet though.
  9. I don't want the police to do anything. That's not the role of the police this side of the Atlantic. It's the role of his neighbors to give him a good, old-fashioned beat-down.
  10. Thank you for looking out for it! I do appreciate it. My appreciation was lost between cuts and pastes of that pic.
  11. [ATTACH]3205[/ATTACH] It's this but solid pinkish purple.
  12. The cop and I kind of laughed about that too.... he got into the van, but didn't take anything (GPS was in the glove). On the other side of the van was my bike, six helmets hanging from the wall, tool boxes, power tools, etc.... I think he made too much noise getting in and spooked. Plus my pile of wood fell as he wrestled the bike out of the door. No one said these pieces of shit are smart. Mike- thanks. It's a pinkish purple Schwinn. Brand new in July.
  13. You teach your kids to work hard and save their money for something they want, and some piece of excrement comes along and just takes it. Hard lesson for an 11 year-old.
  14. Because I didn't wake up when he kicked in my garage door.
  15. I've got a few on the winter want-list. Beretta 84 in .380 CZ75B in 9mm.... probably with an upgraded finish 1911... still shopping for a reliable brand Benelli M2 or M4 Chances are good that I'll make at least 3/4 happen. I've been in sell-mode for a couple years, so it's time to re-stock the safe.
  16. Can't let anger cloud your judgement. CHL has significantly mellowed me. I laugh off situations that I would have fought off 20 years ago. Gotta keep your cool when you're armed.
  17. Can't view. Looks like I'll just have to wait for Faces of Death 254.
  18. Thank you. That tank of gas will come in handy for the long ride back to Columbus.
  19. Just watched last night! By far, the best racing this season. That EBR (and Eslick, of course) was incredible.
  20. Were the stomach contents yours from your post crash inspection? Glad you're ok. I ride all over the state for work, but I don't do Newark/granville from now through March for that exact reason.
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