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Everything posted by C-bus

  1. Not as worried about arming up for the zombie apocalypse now.
  2. I'm in..... but the bars have to be close so we don't put miles on our appreciating investments. What did you get?
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wBWuJNcnvG8&feature=youtube_gdata_player
  4. Could just be my waistline or positioning.
  5. http://www.defensivecarry.com/forum/defensive-carry-guns/89897-recoil-glock-23-vs-27-a.html FWIW... you might regret that. Personally, I find the mid-size Glock easier to conceal and easier to shoot. The baby Glock grip tends to stick out whereas the midsize hugs my fatness. Just my opinion. However, if you want, I'll trade my G39 in .45 Gap with 3 mags and 50+ rounds of HP ammo.
  6. Will the new race specs in GP make Ducati more competitive?
  7. Nice purchase! This spring, mine came about 2 weeks sooner than promised.... hopefully you'll be surprised as well.
  8. I get the feeling that minds aren't going to be changed on this internet motorcycle forum. By the way, do you know how much profit is made on a Corn Flake? Imagine that.... billions spent on marketing for food! If we took profit out of food, everyone could afford to eat. Even better, if we gave it away in bread lines.....
  9. Our payment system is screwed up. I don't have that answer. But our care, technology, and amenities are second to none in the world. Is it our profits that drive one provider to be better than others? I think it is. Go to a county hospital or VA which keep their doors open regardless of success and compare to one (for profit or not-for-profit) who will only prosper if the margins are there and you will find astonishing differences.
  10. Bad things happen to good people. Our healthcare system is pretty damn good.
  11. When is the NHS going to start covering dental for crying out loud?!
  12. Call me crazy, but I want the smartest people in the world aspiring to be wealthy American doctors. I also want the greatest chemists in the world putting all of their resources into creating cures and treatments. Won't happen without a level of profitability. Did you hear about that Saudi prince who sought out the finest surgeon in all of Great Britain for his heart surgery? Me either. If we strive for mediocrity, we'll surely achieve it. And we do have Medicaid. And it's not that hard to get on, if you are truly poor. The people who feel wronged are those who can afford, but resent doing so.
  13. C-bus

    FS: Ruger Mini 14

    Ok. That answers it. There are internet accuracy issues with the older models.
  14. C-bus

    FS: Ruger Mini 14

    How old is it? Any info on manufacture date?
  15. Do you throw them away with the gun or are they recyclable?
  16. I believe I am owed some weekend me-time. Of course, three weeks is plenty of time for me to screw that up.
  17. C-bus

    Get Drunk HERE!

    I stopped drinking this week, but it didn't take. Good to be all warm inside again.
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